Hair Problems


I have been using KeraCare Hydrating and Detangling Shampoo for about a month now. Every other week I use Aphogee 2 minute keratin reconstructor and I deep condition with KeraCare Humecto. I washed my hair today with NTM followed by KeraCare. I used only a bit of the KeraCare, but my hair had an oily feel and white residue that would not rinse away. I shampood again twice with the NTM before my hair felt back to normal.
Do I have product buildup and need to clarify?
Also I had an inch trimmed off my ends about a month ago. My ends are breaking again. I normally air dry my hair 80 percent, then blow dry and flat iron. I do use NTM Leave in and olive oil lotion on my hair before drying. I roll my ends using satin rollers and Healthy Ends, sleep with satin scarf. I do the Aphogee Treatment every 6 weeks. I cut out the blowdrying and flat ironing last week. I don't know if I need more protein or moisture. My hair does feel soft and not hard or dry. Any suggestions are appreciated.
I must say that I think it's the blow drying and flat ironing that you've been doing. Even though you dry your hair to 80%, this heat is still not good for your hair. It's good that you've cut it out, but in the mean time you still have hair on your head that has suffered during the times that you were using the heat.

It also depends on what you were doing to your hair before you decided to adopt a really healthy hair regimen. If your regimen was not so healthy before, remember that there is still hair on your head from that time period as well. It may take time and gradual trimming to see the fruits of your labor.

Thank you for making your post so detailed--it makes it easier for us to try and "diagnose" your problem. And also, you might want to try the clarifying that you mentioned. It can be helpful at times that the hair just seems to not be acting right.

Good luck !
I am not a Aphogee user but I do know that any "reconstructor" is considered a very heavy protien which aides to making hair hard and prone to breakage if used in excess. Reconstructors should really be used after relaxers. In between relaxers, it is better to use lighter protiens and plenty moisturisers.
Thank you ladies. I have been having progress with my hair. It has been hard cutting out the heat but I will do more rollersets and try the braidouts. I will also step up the moisturizing and try co washes again.
I think u need to clarify. The buildup from the olive oil alone is eb=nough to call for clarifying aleast once a month. I agreee w/ the others, too much protein is bond to cause breakage. Im sure if you scale that down to once a month you will see a difference in breakage.......