Hair problem! Please help!!


New Member
HI, MY name is Allyse!! I'm very new here!! I've been searching and searching for answers to my hair problems!!! Thank GOD I've found it!! My stylist, Shannette P., WHo is my sister recently passed away after child birth on July 26th. When she was doing my hair(she lived 60 miles away) she kept my hair healty and nice looking with her professional hair care products!! She stopped doing my hair around Jan.(doing hair period really) because she was pregnant and she wasn't able to stand as long and she was going to start back once she had my little niece(Taylor Jordynn who is healthy and happy!!)!! She had sickle cell so this impacted the pregnancy as well!! Well I was letting another lady do my hair(after my sister got my hair healty and i started taking care of it!!(I guess at 18 I started cariing how my hair looked!!) and she completely damaged it!! My sister could do my sew-ins or even GLUE-INS and my hair grow a mile. THis lady literally probably used 3 bottles of glue in my hair and took it all out!! MY edges are very weak and hardly there so is the front/sides of my hair. The back is still thick and growing aside from the very back of my hair!! It's a mess. I can't even wear my own natural hair which really is getting expensive!! I want to post pictures but I'm FAR too ashamed!! I wish my sis was still here to take care/nurture my hair, and now that i'm in college in a new city I know NOONE that can do my hair!! So i'm going to have to take care of it myself!! Any tips??
I wrote this in another thread but I think it would be appropriate here too. I think you should devote about 1-2 hours and read this thread top from bottom. Well, not the whole thread, but the first link in it:

Good luck with your hair care journey and I am so sorry to here about your sister :( May God bless you and your family.
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The link doesn't work!!! I think you may have copied and pasted it from some where else so the periods are in the link!! It isn't the full link!
Go to the sticky thread:I think it says "Looking for your favorite sticky" or something like that. She's talking about the "newcomber's quide to starting out" probably.:) It has tips for new people. Sorry for your loss also.