Hair Porn AND Hair Envy alert!


Well-Known Member
I really don't like this boy :rolleyes: :nono:


No man needs such beautiful, long, luscious hair! OMG its soo perdy!!!!!

You can read about Curly Nick on curlynikki's blog (they're not related LOLOLOL )

OMG his regimen.. SMH
I want to smack him

"CN: What is your regimen?
Actually when I first started growing my hair out, I didn’t have any particular regimen or hair length goal. I didn’t even know anything about hair care or anyone who knew about it. I just did what I thought was necessary like when having short hair, such as wash it when it needs washing, moist when it felt dry, and comb it when it needs combing. *shrugs*" *SMH*
That's some pretty hair on that man. My, my. If he didn't have a mustache, I would think he was leading an alternative life. :lol: :look:
CN: What is one thing you’d tell a newbie to help him/her on their journey?
From my personal experience in growing hair, I would say have patience and don’t keep your focus on how long it is or want it to be. I think hair will grow if you let it grow, but I often see many people get frustrated at slow growths or trying to reach a certain hair length goal. If you’re constantly thinking about it, constantly checking your hair length, it'd eventually just cause you to become more discouraged and frustrated when you’re not noticing much difference. My hair didn’t grow long overnight. I wasn’t really worried about how long it gets, and certainly didn’t expect I’d have my current hair length now. *laughs* Just keeping your hair healthy is most important I think and the length will be the bonus over time.

I really like what he said here
That is 12 types of wrong and just don't seem natchal!

Yes, I am hatin a lil bit!!! Can ya blame me?!?!?!?

Just pretty, pretty hair.

I agree with the watching the pot boil regarding watching the length of hair. I have brought my comparing length regularly to almost a complete stop. I even have my length Tshirt in a closet somewhere so I won't get tempted. I am truly following the rule of just keep it healthy and the length will day.
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I didn’t even know anything about hair care or anyone who knew about it. I just did what I thought was necessary like when having short hair, such as wash it when it needs washing, moist when it felt dry, and comb it when it needs combing. *shrugs*" *SMH*


And here we are busting our butts :lachen:
This guy's hair is frickin gorgous :thud:... scary enough tho, he reminds me of my ex sweetie.. even the hair..:ohwell:
i almost choked on my food. that's an amazing head of hair and i... i just... i can't. i don't know what to say *drops the mic and walks out of thread*
Dag !!! Wow, so no co-washing, deep conditioning, oiling, clarifying, steaming, rollersetting, baggying, bunning, wigging........:lachen:

His hair is banging!!:spinning: He is sooo very lucky and looks fabulous!:yep:
Dag !!! Wow, so no co-washing, deep conditioning, oiling, clarifying, steaming, rollersetting, baggying, bunning, wigging........:lachen:

His hair is banging!!:spinning: He is sooo very lucky and looks fabulous!:yep:

He actually buns! Lol, I think he cowashes too.
"such as wash it when it needs washing, moist when it felt dry, and comb it when it needs combing"

amen brother, amen
"such as wash it when it needs washing, moist when it felt dry, and comb it when it needs combing"

amen brother, amen

When I saw that first pic, I was like yeah he prolly gonna say something like, "I wash my hair with ivory soap, then I grease it with Dax". :lachen: