Hair Porn Alert!!


Well-Known Member
Youtube Beauty by Gabbie.

Now this is the length i aspire too. She mentions using Liceo Japanese straightening treatment. I have not heard of this and would be apprehensive about using but I'm interested in some of the products she's uses.

She does have a beautiful head of hair.
I was just watching this video yesterday haha. Her hair is absolutely gorgeous! I've thought about switching over to the Japanese hair straightening system but all the things that would have to go into transitioning from a relaxer to that are just a bit much for me. Relaxers may be more damaging but I take great effort to reverse as much of that damage as possible and I like to think it shows.

But, yes, if I could get hair that is half as long and healthy as hers with a relaxer, I'd have absolutely nothing to complain about it. NOTHING!!!

This is the "Unicorn" from from n_vizion's blog!

THIS CHICK!!! Who she think she is running around with all that gorgeous hair?!?!? Almost made me pull out a relaxer looking at all of that! I'd kill for her thickness though. I swear I've got the thinnest hair ever
Very beautiful hair. I like her subtle layers. I have to remember to do this or find someone who can do similarly....if I ever try for layers again:lachen: