Hair Porn Alert: BrwnSKinBeauty AKA lifesacatwalk

I actually first saw her on Her hair is gorgeous! And it's so thick! Me likey!

You are one to talk though, as you have gorgeous hair yourself.!
:yep: Her hair is absolutely gorgeous, I found her fotki a little before she was spotlighted on
I have been on here for 3 years and I have just found my hair inspiration :love: :notworthy. Good Lawd her hair is gorgeous!! :shocked:
Oh yea, i have been in love with her hair since i saw her on CN. Her n CurlyNikki are my hair idols!
This is too funny. Last night I was looking at her fotki to keep me going on my transition! :lol:
Yay :yay: for amazing natural hair!
So I stalked her Foki some more and she has a great body, face, and hair. I bet she is intelligent, has a hot man, and nice. You know what I am just hating. haha
She's transitioned from relaxer to natural, either way her hair is/was beautiful. Her BAA is awesome and her hair kind of reminds me of LeobodyC5.

Nice hair- this is one of the 1st times someone has posted a fotki I have not seen! Her hair, however, is nothing like Leobody. I never saw one kink in Leobody's hair and this head is full of kinks, wow, beautiful!