Hair Pictures Are Deceiving.....


Well-Known Member
I try to take length shots of my hair but my ends always look a mess in the picture so I rarely post full length shots. :perplexedBut we a grab two mirrors and look at my hair its a completely different story. My ends look healthy and not sparse like in the pictures.:spinning: Not to mention my hair is much bigger in person...

It always gives me the urge to cut more hair off but I know I cant be crazy. I know I dust enough as is...

What am I doing wrong with my pics? Is it lightening or do I need to get someone to take the pictures for me? I dont think the timer and running to take a pic is working anymore.:nono:
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I have noticed this exact thing with my ends in most of the pics that I take. In reality, the ends are great.
Getting someone else is best. I always have the problem of getting someone to help me with pics. They are too hard to do yourself.
Definitely having someone else take the pic is helpful! They can take a look at how the hair is combed out beforehand, and correct anything that is going to make the hair look falsely out of wack in the pictures.
I have the same problem

I sometimes ask my kids and they run from me. They think I'm crazy when I ask them to take a picture of my hair LOL
Goodness, guess I gotta find someone to take my pictures now. I like doing things by myself.

I know what you mean, I much prefer doing it myself. I think my children think I'm crazy as it is. My 4 year old told me to stop taking pictures of my hair all the time! :lachen:
Strange, Ive found the opposite :lol:. My ends look pretty thin and disappointing in the mirror but when i looked at video of my hair the ends looked fabulous :nono: I just wonder how they really look. I know they probably could use a 5 inch trim for thickness lol but I wont do it.
I have the same problem

I sometimes ask my kids and they run from me. They think I'm crazy when I ask them to take a picture of my hair LOL
I know what you mean, I much prefer doing it myself. I think my children think I'm crazy as it is. My 4 year old told me to stop taking pictures of my hair all the time! :lachen:

I dont want people to know how secretly obssessed I am with my hair. :look:
I've almost totally given up on taking pictures myself because most times they are worthless. I get my mom to take them.
I feel like my hair looks way better in person than in pics. (same goes for the rest of me)
But, I like taking them myself. My SO thinks I'm nuts.
When I lived at home my brother would willingly take the pix though.
You guys gotta get hip to using your camera's self timer feature. All the pics I've ever taken of my hair were taken myself.

You prop that baby up on an eye level surface. Properly comb your hair out so it's even, then, already have your camera set so you only have to press the button. Mark a spot on the floor where it's the right distance from the camera, then press your button, go to the spot and stand there (you have about 10 secs or so depending on the camera, plenty of time), then voila. Problem solved. Works like a charm.
You guys gotta get hip to using your camera's self timer feature. All the pics I've ever taken of my hair were taken myself.

You prop that baby up on an eye level surface. Properly comb your hair out so it's even, then, already have your camera set so you only have to press the button. Mark a spot on the floor where it's the right distance from the camera, then press your button, go to the spot and stand there (you have about 10 secs or so depending on the camera, plenty of time), then voila. Problem solved. Works like a charm.

i'm lazy.
that sounded like too much work even READING it :):grin:

ps HI ROXIE!! ::waving::
When I take my own pictures they come out so bad. Now that I have others take them for me they come out much better. However, they sometimes get irritated oh well.
Girl same to me, that's why I don't take pics, cuz I'm still stuck at sl and apl.....and I don't have a good camera, so using the cell phone is my only hopefully when I get a camera and my hair gets pass apl....i will probably post my pics of my hair!
My hair def looks better in real life. My dh likes to take the pix:rolleyes::grin:, so does dd. My sons don't get it and laugh at I can usually do a good job, but I have noticed that as it gets longer it is harder to hand hold the camera. When I get to FL I'm going to start using my tripod/timer again. You can tell the first two pix where I tried to handhold/no tripod/ well!
Yeah I noticed my fro seems so much bigger in person than on that camera. Sucks.
Another thing is shine. I guess thats why people turn off the light and take pictures with the flash on super bright huh? I prefer natural light. I just stand by my window.
I have the same problem

I sometimes ask my kids and they run from me. They think I'm crazy when I ask them to take a picture of my hair LOL

Yea, my kids don't like to help me now. So I try to do it on my own. I might take 15 pictures before I get one picture that even has hair in the photo.:nono:
Yeah I noticed my fro seems so much bigger in person than on that camera. Sucks.
Another thing is shine. I guess thats why people turn off the light and take pictures with the flash on super bright huh? I prefer natural light. I just stand by my window.

I noticed that too. My fro-roots are MASSIVE IRL but always look kind of puny when I try to take pics. :ohwell: