Hair pics! i finally got a fotki account.

Your hair is goregous! I love your texture, by the way what is your hair type? Oh, and as far as getting comfortable with your face on the don't ever have to show your face if you don't want to. You can just show back shots or blur your face like a lot of memebers here do.
Nice braidout.
You hair is very beautiful silver.
I can never get my braidouts to turn out right.
thanks everyone for the compliments! This past year has been tough in regards to my hair, with some many things in 2002 that went wrong. I'm sooo glad I found this board! My hair has taken a new turn for the better an its all thanks to yall
JenniferMD said:
Your hair is goregous! I love your texture, by the way what is your hair type? Oh, and as far as getting comfortable with your face on the don't ever have to show your face if you don't want to. You can just show back shots or blur your face like a lot of memebers here do.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks so much Jennifer! I'm not sure what my hair type is but I'll guess...

In the back it seems to be either 2b or 3b (its more wavy than curly) like long s curls. the rest of my hair is either 2c or 3c and some 4a, and theres a lil one square inch area at the front that looks to be 4b an has a completly diff texture from the rest of my head. lol
Hey, silver....what weave did you wear tha twas so bad to really mess up your hair? I was thinking about maybe getting micros when I go to France next year (will be there for nine months) and try to grow my hair out in the process...but i am not sure because I fear breakage!
hey pittgitl06

I don't think it was the type of weave i had but rather the fact that I just didn't take take of my hair the way I should have. The weave in the one picture was a straight human hair sew in weave. It was the first (and last) weave I ever had, so i really didnt know how to take care of it or my hair underneath it. I didn't moisturize or wash my hair as often as I could have an that I think is the main reason why when I took it out not only did the weave come out, but so did most of my hair!

I do think that braids and weaves are fine as long as you know the rules of haircare for the hairstyle your going with. I know plenty of ppl that have gotton braids an haven't had a problem with them. Just make sure to moisturize moisturize ! I wouldn't want anyone to have to go through what I did.

Luckily (thank GOD) in the past year my hair has grown back healthier an thicker than before.
you and your hair is very pretty ... have fun on your hair journey!!!!