Hair Pervs: Do you want to play in your hair when you see long hair?


Well-Known Member
I caught this video on youtube and instantly wanted to play in my hair.
Untwist and moisturize it. Again. :look:

This happens often when I see a head full of long healthy hair. I want to take my hair down, caress it and play in my oils/butters. Am I the only one who feels this way? Am I just am ole hair perv? :blush:
i always wondered why YEARS ago,[ before my SO, so maybe around age 23-26],this girl would maniacally grab and pull her hair everytime she saw me on the bus.

it was really creepy. Is that a hair perv or nut?
I caught this video on youtube and instantly wanted to play in my hair.
Untwist and moisturize it. Again. :look:

This happens often when I see a head full of long healthy hair. I want to take my hair down, caress it and play in my oils/butters. Am I the only one who feels this way? Am I just am ole hair perv? :blush:
Girl, you are not alone! When I see videos like this, I get...urges. If I am at home, I usually let my hair down while I am in a camisole or my bra (so I don't snag my hair on any clothes fibers) and let my hair fall down my back while I give it a quick moisturize and seal before I (reluctantly) put it back up in a bun or braids. Since I PS 99% of the time, it's the only way I indulge my hand-in-hair needs. Last night I did a roller set on dry hair just so I could play in my hair some more to celebrate that I am less than an inch away from the top of my bra strap now, much to my surprise. I am trying to stretch until the end of October (which is an epic 7-month stretch for me) and little interludes like this keep me going. And if doing this is wrong, I don't want to be right! :lick:
YES! I wanna flat iron and play in my newly mbl hair so bad, but I must wait and it sucks :sad: I want to let my hair down ssooo bad!
you're not alone when i see luscious hurr, i want to wash , dc, do a protein treatment or moisturize & seal (in the winter months, LCO method):look::nono: other times i wanna run to the salon for a dusting/ flat-iron to see how much longer my hurr has gotten.
I find that I do this for people with hair longer than mine. Do you think you do it because you have a desire for that length? Do you think it will stop once you get that length?
Yes, and that is why I only watch hair vids when it's time for a wash and DC. I can pla in my hair and experiment with styles before I do the whole wash/treatment process.
When I see long hair i don't want to play in my hair, I want to not play in my hair and be patient and hope. Can get to that length but makes me want get home and moisturize my hair again
People who smile the entire time they're on video creep me the hell out. This reminded me of


OMG. I knew who it was before l clicked the video lol. She has lovely hair but l find her voice really annoying. I couldn't subdcribe to he channel because of this :ohwell:

When she leaned into the camera squeezing the suave bottle I felt a little freaked out :takecover: (I actually leaned away from my screen and clicked off)
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