Hair One/Wen and Straightening


New Member

Quick question guys. Before flat ironing, is it okay to cleanse hair with Hair One (followed by a DC)? Or should I be using an actual shampoo to make sure my hair is as clean as possible before straightening? I'm a natural 4a if that matters. Does anyone do this?
I do! I'll wash, dc, and put in my leave in. Air dry or blow dry, then flat iron. I haven't had any problems. I will probably start clarify before using hair one but that's only because there's hard water here.
I do! I'll wash, dc, and put in my leave in. Air dry or blow dry, then flat iron. I haven't had any problems. I will probably start clarify before using hair one but that's only because there's hard water here.

Thanks so much! I guess I'll try it for a while and see how my hair responds.