Hair oils and breakouts


New Member
I love using a healthy dose of my oils (castor, coconut,ect.) on my hair and my hair is loving the moisture. Problem is, my skin always looks and feels oily and my forehead now has a few small bumps that weren't there before. I never used to have oily skin and it isn't that way when my hair is dry and in need of oils. How do you cope?
I feel ya. I'm going through the same thing, and I suspect it will only get worse in the summer months.
i tried some products before that used to break my skin out and i stopped using them. try to find another product that your hair and skin will like:)
Have any of you all tried pure jojoba oil? The ones you guys listed tend to be on the heavier end. Jojoba tends to be VERY good on both hair and skin.....w/o causing greasiness (it absorbs into both the hair and skin rather quickly) AND w/o causing zits. For some, it even helps get rid of zits!