Hair Nightmares!!!! Have you had any?

Maa Maa omo mti

New Member
Ok ladies I just had the worst dream ever!!! I swear it almost brought me to tears in real life because it sure did in my dream.

After coming home from work today I took a nap. I was asleep for an hour and towards the end of my nap I start to become aware of my dream. For some reason or another I couldn't do my hair, I think i was sick. Anywhoo, I kept begging my younger sister to help me straighten out my hair via the maxiglide method. She refused to help, or kept saying she will later but never did. So my younger brother finally got tired of me asking and attempted to do it for me. Well home boy got a red maxiglide from god knows where and attempts to straighten my hair. Well when he got to the middle of my hair he did it so rough and bad that I just knew hair was coming out :perplexed. Well instantly I told him to stop and that I want to see what just happened. When I took the maxiglide from him I saw a two feet long thick strands of brown AA hair attached to the mg :eek: . Get this the color of the maxiglide now was yellow:confused:. I immediately began to cry and started to feel the middle of my hair. I couldn't stop looking at the thick strand.

Thank God it was a nightmare hopefully never a reality.

I told my family instead of sympathy I'm being told I'm too obsessed with my hair :ohwell: :look:

I knew I can share with you guys cause you all know and care about my struggles.

Have any of you had any Hair Nightmares?
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Luckily, no. I've had some dreams where my hair was classic length but never any nightmares of people cutting, etc.

That nightmare was scary. You know LHCF ladies can relate. :lol:
When my hair first started comeing along I did. I think it had something to do with the fact that I honestly thought my hair would never grow and now it was I though somehow it would be snatched away *tearing up*. I know I am a sad, sad case. (I wish somebody would do something to my hair:mad: :mad: :mad: ) *police sirens*
No nightmares...just sweet dreams of my hair where I'd like it to be.

scary dream! you must be thinking about your hair a lot...
I did...2 nights ago. I was taking the ponytail holder out of my hair and while doing so, the whole pony just snapped off :eek: . The nightmare seemed so real...I was freaking out. Boy was I happy when I woke up. I immediately started feeling all over my head to make sure that my hair was still there :lol: .
I haven't really had a hair nightmare, but I do have a fear in the back of my mind that my hair growth will suddenly stop :eek: (I've heard that some people's hair want grow past certain lengths) and I have a fear that I may make a big mistake that will cost me once I've achieved a great amount of health and growth.:eek: I don't want to deal with any major setbacks now that my hair growth is on a roll, but I feel prepared to deal with any hair problem that may arise since I have LHCF to turn to.

But mostly I daydream that in the future I have hair like Pocahontas. I just try to stay positive and know that I'm doing everything I can to make my hair healthy and long.:)
I recently had a dream that I had braids (had braids once in my life 11 years ago). Me and my friend were cutting them out and we were chopping real hair everywhere!! I wasn't upset in the dream, its like I wanted a crazy chopped up head.
Actually, recently I had my first "natural getting a relaxer" nightmare. I was going to start a thread, but didn't.
In the dream, I wanted to get my hair texlaxed for some reason, and my mum was doing it for me. But she was doing it really slowly and I kept telling her to speed up. In the end I ran to wash it off and my hair felt all brittle, thin and nasty. I broke a load of eggs into a bowl (for a protein treatment).
Last thing I remember is crying and wearing my wet hair in a straightish stringy ponytail...
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^ I've had a relaxer nightmare too. Either my aunt or a former hairdresser was doing my hair, I wanted a wash, deep condition and rollerset, but they snuck in a relaxer instead of the dc to make my hair 'more manageable'. :( In my dream I was sooo upset because I'd have to start all over again and they gave me a poorly done chemical job on top of that :lol:
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I didn't have a hair nightmare but the other night I had a PJ nightmare... I went to the BSS for a new satin cap and by the time I got to the register I had $94 worth of stuff!!! I said to the clerk "oh no! I can't go home with a $94 charge from the BSS. My husband will kill me!" So I proceeded to put stuff back on the counter and all types of stuff was coming out of the bag!... Stuff not on the receipt, half used jars and bottles! The lil korean lady was behind the counter trippin! And all I kept saying was "all I needed was a satin cap"!

Mmm... I know... I got issues:lol:
:mad: freakin thinning from a hair dresser putting the Affirm "perm" instead of the "texturizer" ....then (I was to busy tracking what she was doing to my hair and forgot to time her) she left it on for 30 minotos !!!

Dammit ! :mad:
MommaMayhann said:
I didn't have a hair nightmare but the other night I had a PJ nightmare... I went to the BSS for a new satin cap and by the time I got to the register I had $94 worth of stuff!!! I said to the clerk "oh no! I can't go home with a $94 charge from the BSS. My husband will kill me!" So I proceeded to put stuff back on the counter and all types of stuff was coming out of the bag!... Stuff not on the receipt, half used jars and bottles! The lil korean lady was behind the counter trippin! And all I kept saying was "all I needed was a satin cap"!

Mmm... I know... I got issues:lol:

LOL, I'm literally cryin over here! That is hilarious!