Hair nightmare


New Member
I just woke up from having a hair nightmare. Tomorrow, after work I am going to be doing my first texlax followed by doing BKT (I've already done two BKTs). In my dream I had started relaxing from the fornt (I plan on relaxing from the back) and wasn't going in sections (I plan on making 6 sections in my hair). The nightmare was that I forgot to NEUTRALIZE! In my dream I was walked past the mirror with this shiny, straight, beautiful black hair and then had a look of horror run over my face and went searching for my neutralizer. I was looking all over the house and couldn't find it. I ended up baning on my my parents door to help me look for it! Once we found it I jumped in the tub to neutralize, but it was too late for part of my hair, the front. Instead of it just breaking off it came off like it was a track. As if the track was glued to my head and it just lifted off? It was weird.

Anyway, has anyone else had a hair nightmare before they are about to do something new to their hair? I've had a positive hair dream about conditioner before (it was a GREAT dream) and now I have had a nightmare.

What about you?
I had a dream i was parting my hair and i had two big bald patches in my head, then in my dream is said "that's it then" then woke up immediatly and since then i haven't relaxed. That must have been like 6 months ago.
LadyRaider - I am doing them both for two reasons. One is because the BKT will help restore some of the protein I lost while doing the relaxing and two because the BKT will give me straight hair results so I don't have to go the whole way with the relaxer (ie, less damange).
A few weeks ago I dreamt that I was washing my hair and large handfuls of hair were falling out. At first I was alarmed, but then I looked in the mirror and said "I must be dreaming, I don't relax anymore and my hair's very healthy." Then I woke up.

Even my subconscious is transitioning!
Melissa-bee. I think it is going to take a while. I'm going to give myself 2 hours to relax it. Then 4 hours to BKT. Then, depdending on how my hair feels I will deep condition for at least an hour as well. So at least 7 hours.