Hair Nightmare!


New Member
OMG! I need to stay off of this sight! I had a dream that my hair was hanging at the bra strap length and I was soooo happy. It was touching my arm---the middle of the bicep, so I decided to s-t-r-e-t-c-h it out. When I did it went to my elbow and THAT is when I realized it was coming out! Huge clumps of my beautiful hair was coming out in my hands!
Needless to say I woke up with a stong jerk...........
queenofmean68 said:
OMG! I need to stay off of this sight! I had a dream that my hair was hanging at the bra strap length and I was soooo happy. It was touching my arm---the middle of the bicep, so I decided to s-t-r-e-t-c-h it out. When I did it went to my elbow and THAT is when I realized it was coming out! Huge clumps of my beautiful hair was coming out in my hands!
Needless to say I woke up with a stong jerk...........

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I'm about to take my hair down out of these twists......I'm a tad bit nervous.......*sigh* Guess I'm just slightly paranoid now!
I had a dream that I couldn't get anyone at the salon to rinse out my perm and I had to try to find a sink or tub to do it because I got fed up. Even then people were trying to stop me.
I had a similar experience that I wrote about in the thread "Hair Dreams". When it's a nightmare, I've learned our subconscious is trying to get our attention now, before something happens. You may want to make sure all is well with your health and regime.

Isis: I read that how we feel during the dream and when we awaken from a dream are also clues about its meaning. Aside from general dream interpretations, I believe we each have our own interpretation. I also think dreams can represent what exactly what appears. Hair can mean just hair.

I had a dream many years ago that my below shoulder length hair was coming out in clumps and I woke up in a sweat! Sure enough, a few days later I noticed excessive shedding and hair breakage. This was due to lack of red blood cells to nourish my hair, which I found out after finally going to a doctor (and after I lost a lot of hair and my length!). She said I was anemic and must take iron supplements. The shedding and breakage stopped within days of my taking the iron. So that dream was like my subconscious warning me what was going on with my hair and body. I had other hair dreams since that really meant my hair.

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