Hair Nightmare!!!


I have to ask. Do you ever dream about your hair either good or bad? Well last night I have a bad dream. I dreamt my stylist of several years, who I no longer go to as a "regular" but just for relaxers now, cut my hair. In my dream, I went there to just get a wash and set, and after I came from under the dryer, she pulled out the scissors to trim. I thought this is so unnecssary so i said Toya, do not cut a lot.. and she said something smart back and began chopping... I was devastated. It was almost like she was upset with my progress and cut it all off.. (Not that I have THAT much progress, I am still a newbie) but still I was so upset. When she was cutting it was like at least an inch in certain spots... So needless to say when I woke up this morning, in addition to praising GOD for another day, also had to praise him for the ability to have bad dreams and it literally be JUST A DREAM... My goodness I was so terrified. Has this happend to you? Any insight on what this good mean? Am I becoming obsessed with hair?? Thanks for reading.
It could be just a dream, but I pay attention to my dreams if they make me too uneasy. I would probably stop going to her altogether, lol.
Khalia... you've got me LOL. My stylist was a little salty when I told her that I was going to take care of my own hair for the most part, so maybe you are right!!!
I had my first one a week or so ago. I dreamt that I was touching up (self relaxing) the roots of my fully natural head. Only the roots. While I was doing it, I asked myself, "Gosh what am I doing!?" But felt I had to continue since I was half way done. When I was finished, my roots were relaxed and the rest of my hair was 4a/b natural. :spinning:.
LOL! I was gonna start the EXACT thread yesterday. The night b4 last I dreamt that I had micros in my hair and upon going to pull it up into a pony about 10 braids popped out in a perfect square at my nape on the left side of my head. I picked them up and the entire braid was there, root and all leavin me with a square bald patch in my head!! I was mortified. It was so funny cuz in the dream i said to myself this is a dream just wake up and in my dream i thought it wasnt a dream and freaked lol. When I woke up I immediately felt the back of my head and let out a super sigh of relief! :lachen:
OMG, lol~~ I had a dream last night that I had long, GORGEOUS, beautiful hair...dream hair, even. Then for some odd reason, I was looking in the mirror or something (don't remember what happened) but the "camera zoomed out" and I had long hair in a line down the middle (think Mr. T) and nothing but stubble on the sides. I kept feeling the prickliness and for some odd reason, wasn't freaking out in the dream!! WHAT?? Hahaha.

My hair nightmares always have me with long, perfect hair and then something happens to it (gets cut, becomes drastically uneven, hair falls out, etc)
OMG, lol~~ I had a dream last night that I had long, GORGEOUS, beautiful hair...dream hair, even. Then for some odd reason, I was looking in the mirror or something (don't remember what happened) but the "camera zoomed out" and I had long hair in a line down the middle (think Mr. T) and nothing but stubble on the sides. I kept feeling the prickliness and for some odd reason, wasn't freaking out in the dream!! WHAT?? Hahaha.

My hair nightmares always have me with long, perfect hair and then something happens to it (gets cut, becomes drastically uneven, hair falls out, etc)

My hair dreams used to go like that. I would have long gorgeous hair and at some random point in the dream my hair would turn into a short scraggly mess. But lately I dream that I have long beautiful hair and I keep it throughout the entire dream. I'm making progress :lol:.
Cute thread, shell!

I almost always have wonderful hair dreams. I will dream that I start of doing something hair-related like rolling it up or braiding it or something, and then going some where or going to sleep, and when I take it down or wake up, it is down my back! It never falls out or is ugly. Of course when I wake up for real, it's gone! :lachen::lachen:
I've had both good and bad dreams. I once had a dream that my mom forced me to get a relaxer. I was so upset with her because I worked so hair to get my hair where it was as a natural. I was glad when I woke up and my hair was still natural.

My second dream was that I was wearing my hair up for so long, that one day I took it down and it was brastrap length! I remember I kept saying over and over "I can't believe it was this long all along!" :lachen: I was saying it right up until I woke up, I might even have been talking out loud.:blush: I was crushed when I realized it was just a dream.