Hair & Nail Growth?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,
I have noticed that most of my friends that have long hair, not long according to the board, have long nails as well. My nails are brittle and break if they decide to grow long. When I was taking Biotin my nails grew like weeds but they were still brittle and I did not really see that much growth in my head. So does nail growth/length and hair growth/length coincide?What do you ladies think?
That's a GOOD question!!!! I wanna know too! My nails are usually pretty flemsy, but when I'm preggo, my nails get extremely weak and brittle. Coinsidentally, my hair has hardly grown ANY during this pregnancy and my nails are weaker than ever :scratchch
Interesting question. I do know that there are supplements for hair, skin and nails so there must be a link but I'm waiting for a more informative answer.
I think they do go hand in hand. Your hair and nails are like the two least important parts of your body. They only get whats left over after your body takes what it needs in terms of vitamins and minerals. So if you're not eating right and getting enough vitamins etc. your body will use up what you do get and leave nothing for your hair and nails.
I guess I'm weird because I've always been able to grow my hair long....

but my nails never grow..never never grow, they break easy too very thin..

I just start taking some supplements and bought some Nail Envy by OPI so hopefully they will start growing and get stronger!!
I don't know but I have always been a nail biter and wore acrylic nails and gels to have long nails. The one time I did grow out my nails several years ago, they broke as soon as they attained some substantial length. But back in November, I decided to get rid of the fakes for financial reasons (got tired of paying for fill-ins) and grow my own. I started taking Phyto Hair and Nail Supplements and my nails (AND hair) grew like crazy!! In 2 months, my nails are now harder and longer than they've ever been and even when I hit them on things by accident or press them, they haven't broken even once.

The vitamins have biotin, fatty acids, and a long of other things that are good for the hair and nails so I definitely think there is a correlation.
When your diet isnt all that i think both hair & nails can go slower, and with a reduced quality.

You get less dry & brittle nails and hair when you drink more water and take oils

You get stronger hair & nails when you get some protein in your diet, B's, or sulfur.

Those friends with long nails probally take vitamins & drink enough water to where their hair benefits as well
I guess I'm weird because I've always been able to grow my hair long....

but my nails never grow..never never grow, they break easy too very thin..

I just start taking some supplements and bought some Nail Envy by OPI so hopefully they will start growing and get stronger!!

I think nails are also about diet & care like our hair.

You can have a good diet, but if you dont take care of your hair it wont grow....or you can have a bad diet, and take care of your hair/not manipulate it and you will be able to retain length.

Nails need moisture, oil, protien and to be left alone like hair. Washnig our hands takes out the moisture & oil.
I think nails are also about diet & care like our hair.

You can have a good diet, but if you dont take care of your hair it wont grow....or you can have a bad diet, and take care of your hair/not manipulate it and you will be able to retain length.

Nails need moisture, oil, protien and to be left alone like hair. Washnig our hands takes out the moisture & oil.

You know what I agree with play sister has really short hair that is healthy but grows at a slower rate....But she has beautiful nails....Long thick and pretty...
I have always had long nails and never long hair........
My sis has always had long hair and never long nails

I dont think Hair and Nail Growth have anything to do with the other :nono:

as a child my nails grew really, fast. I mean I would scratch my sister and my mom would cut my nails 1 week later my nails would be back and ready to attack my sis :lachen: But I never, never had hair
This must be true because I wash my hands a couple times every hour and those suckers are weak.

I'm taking hair/nails/skin vitamins so they are growing, but the nails on my ring finger always start bending when they get a certain length (which mind you aint long at all) so I just don't bother.:sad:

I think nails are also about diet & care like our hair.

You can have a good diet, but if you dont take care of your hair it wont grow....or you can have a bad diet, and take care of your hair/not manipulate it and you will be able to retain length.

Nails need moisture, oil, protien and to be left alone like hair. Washnig our hands takes out the moisture & oil.
No insight on the hair and nail thing, but my aunt told me years ago to help add strength to your nails paint the underside with clear polish. HTH
Since I started my journey I've noticed a huge difference in my nails.

My hair has been considered "long" most of my life, but not my nails. But since adding supplements and such to my diet, I probably could have long nails if I didn't always cut them...