Hair Modeling?


New Member
Not sure if there is a thread for this already, but how would one go about becoming a hair model? like for one of the major ethnic hair care companies like soft sheen carson?
How to Become a Hair Model

A colleague's daughter has been doing this and other modeling since she was 14 or 15. She has traveled to Europe and Asia with Aveda. Her hair has been violet, kelly green, blood red, etc. She left the country with MBL hair and returned with a multi-colored buzz cut -- because that's what they needed to do to her for one of the shows. The money was excellent -- she put herself through college on her earnings, but I don't know that I would have been willing to give up all my hard work growing my hair to have someone cut it off like that.
To be honest, I'm not sure, but I guess just like any other business, they would probably reach out to agencies with their requirements/preference.
Just like any other type of job you apply for, it's good to build up a resume of your qualifications by booking as many hair modeling gigs as possible before you land "the big one".
hair modeling jobs