Hair Mineral Analysis???


Well-Known Member
Has anyone had this done?
If so, please share your experience - pros/cons regarding the following:

1. Did you go to a local facility, or mail in a test kit?
2. If test kit, which website did you use?
3. What were your results? (If you don't mind sharing)
4. Did you make any adjustments based on your results? If so, were these changes beneficial?
5. Price?
6. Do you think it was worth it?


Hair mineral analysis is different than a scalp/hair analysis.
I'm looking into that as well.
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I did a hair analysis 2.5 years ago.

1. I mailed in a sample of my hair
3. Not great at posting photos so I listed my results below
4. I was mainly concerned with my mercury level since I do have mercury fillings. I do plan on taking them out and I have not yet because I was in school with no dental insurance. I was surprised to find low mercury levels but mercury can hide in other places in the body.
I will do a heavy metal cleanse before I plan to get pregnant especially for my elevated lead levels!!
I also have low levels of zinc (which helps with the immune system) so I have started taking zinc supplements
I also suspect that since my sulfur levels are low, sulfur intake may help with my hair growth. Topically, sulfur does help with growth but I dont want to take it internally until I get this mercury out of my body.
5. Cant remember how much
6. I think it was worth it to give me an idea of what's going on in my body especially since heavy metals is something that is not checked during a physical and can cause many health problems.

Aluminum - Normal
Antimony - Elevated
Arsenic - Normal
Bismuth - Normal
Cadmium - Elevated
Lead - Elevated
Mercury - Normal
Nickel - Elevated
Tin - Elevated

Calcium - Normal
Chromium - Elevated
Cobalt - Elevated
Copper - Normal
Magnesium - Normal
Manganese - Normal
Molybdenum - Normal
Strotium - Normal
Sulfur - Low
Vanadium - Normal
Zinc - Low

They give actual values and reference range in the report, I just did not feel like copying all the numbers.
I too would like to have this done. a friend of mines had one done and her aluminum levels was off the chart way too high but couldn't figure out what caused it?
Bambieg, do you increase or decrease certain foods/supplements? If so, did you see any effects in your hair and overall health?

I'm wondering if a hair mineral analysis is more/less effective than a hair/scalp analysis. Any thoughts on this ladies?
When I increased my zinc intake and noticed I have less cold sores. I didnt really change my food intake.
Never heard of the hair/scalp analysis, sounds interesting.
bambieg I know I need more zinc but it really makes me sick. It helps with acne and cold sores. How are you taking it?
@yodi did you ever get a mineral analysis? If so, how did it go? Did you use this service or another one?

tashboog I believe, I read you were doing one of these in one of the threads, but I can't remember for sure and search is failing me, right now.

Which service did you use for your mineral analysis/

Hey MileHighDiva! I didn't get a mineral analysis, but I did see a naturopathic doctor that tested me for food allergies, my thyroid, my hormones, & my digestive system. However, I won't get my test results back until next month. My doctor seem to think my digestive system might be the cause of my hair loss issues.