Hair Loss from taking Flaxseed Oil


Well-Known Member
I was reserching info on flaxseed and came across a couple sites that claim that instead of aiding in healthy hair, flaxseed can actually cause hair loss. This was my first time ever hearing that and wanted to see if any of you ladies had experienced it. I've been taking Omega 3-6-9 that has flaxseed in it for a couple of months and haven't noticed anything (good or bad) with my hair. I'm taking it for skin benefits, but if ir's gonna cause hair loss then maybe I should consider another supplement.
I have never heard that one before, I started to take Flaxseed oil, when i had very thin and fine hair, especially when I cut it very short and it thickened it up and I got a lovely sheen. It is very good for your skin, hair and excellent health benefits.
I was reserching info on flaxseed and came across a couple sites that claim that instead of aiding in healthy hair, flaxseed can actually cause hair loss. This was my first time ever hearing that and wanted to see if any of you ladies had experienced it. I've been taking Omega 3-6-9 that has flaxseed in it for a couple of months and haven't noticed anything (good or bad) with my hair. I'm taking it for skin benefits, but if ir's gonna cause hair loss then maybe I should consider another supplement.

off topic: Did you notice any changes in your skin?
off topic: Did you notice any changes in your skin?

Yes I have. My skin in clearer and the breakouts are being kept at bay, though I still get 1 or 2 close to cycle time. I so hope I won't have to stop taking it cuz I really like what it's doing for me so far.
I haven't heard about flaxseed oil causing hair loss, it suppose to be a plus for the hair. I have been taking it for a lil over 2 months, and I haven't had any hair loss, I also haven't seen any benefit for my hair either, cause of the other vits im taking. Im mostly taking it for my skin, which it does wonder on, i see it more for a skin benefit, than a hair.
when i was first researching it i read the same thing...but i am sure if it had caused hair loss for anyone on this board we would ALLLLL know. i am taking it for skin purposes too, but i dont think i have been on it long enough to see if it makes a difference.
when i was first researching it i read the same thing...but i am sure if it had caused hair loss for anyone on this board we would ALLLLL know. i am taking it for skin purposes too, but i dont think i have been on it long enough to see if it makes a difference.

:yep: ITA. Just wanted to ask anyway in case there was just one lady who was having unexplained shedding/thinning that didn't start until after taking flaxseed.
Nope not me, took flaxseed daily for 6 months gave my skin and eyes a nice glow, and my hair looked thicker/glossier. I still use 3-4 times a week:yep:
I wonder WHO complied this info and financed this study? I have a feeling some "official" pharmaceutical companies were behind it.

Natural products do cause problems...for drug companies. You aren't buying their stuff. THAT'S the problem.
I wonder WHO complied this info and financed this study? I have a feeling some "official" pharmaceutical companies were behind it.

Natural products do cause problems...for drug companies. You aren't buying their stuff. THAT'S the problem.

One of the sites was actually a blog about balding where people who had been taking some form of flaxseed had issues with hair falling out/thinning.

Not really sure how the info on this site was compiled though.
If you are still nervous, just take some fish oil pills like I do.
I read that the body doesn't get all the omega 3 from flax seed oil anyway.