Hair Loss& Bald Spot... Plz Help!


New Member
Hi im a new subscriber who has been lurking for about a year now. *This is so exciting, my first post*


I did my BC in dec 08 after about 4 months post relaxer, and im enjoying my journey. BUT enough about me heres the issue.

My sister is literally going bald from relaxers and half wigs and has so regimen AT ALL:nono:

Now me and by sister arent exactly close, but everyone in my house knows im "hair obsessed"... atleast thats wat they call me.:rolleyes:

The other day while her and my grandmother were cleaning for christmas, my aunt noticed her hair (while she wasnt wearing a scarf or wig) and brought this to all of our attention. she has a huge bald spot right in the middle of her head. im talkin about at least a 3 or 4INCH diameter!:nono::nono::nono:

And thats not the all either. The rest of her hair is broken off servely(which we already knew). And the hair line is receding a bit. It looks awful.

So they asked me too help her. And of course i will, but i cant do it alone, ill need you alls help.

The first thing i told her was NO relaxers. Her hair just cant handle it, their hardly anything to relax.:perplexed

I just dont know where to start... co washing, oils, protein. Should she do a gradual BC. Its all so over whelming.:cantlook: I will be posting some pictures for you tomorrow(hopefully).

Relaxed, Natural, In-betweens, plz help...
I don't have any answer for you; I'll let the veterans answer....but


You're gonna get a lot of information here!

I'm sorry to hear about your sister's hair. When I joined LHCF, I had severly damaged hair and a large bald spot in the top of my head. You're right in telling her that she needs to stop relaxing. I would suggest cutting off the damaged ends and look into some protective styling options. Aphogee has a great product line so you may want to look into that. I think your sister could use a protein treatment and lots of deep conditioning as well.

I could probably have more suggestions once you post the pics. But in the meantime, I'm sure some of the hair gurus can chime in to give some good advice to help.

and oh my goodness. yes no more relaxers for now, that is the very first most important step. like Platinum said we can probably help more when we have pics and more information

but absolutley no relaxers, and maybe a trip to a derm to see if it's permanent damage to her follicles? or whats going on
^^^ Okay thanks. I dont think she has what it takes to go all natrual yet.*Shes unknowingly one of those "good hair" is better, naps are bad thinking people* I think we'll cross that bridge when we get there:ohwell: but definity no relaxing for a WHILE... maybe a year or so. She always wears wigs anyway.
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Welcome aboard!!!!:yep:

I agree w/ Irresistible. Your sister should lay off the relaxers for now b/c that will only put more stress on her hair. She should also visit the dermatologist.

In the meantime, maybe she could wear a full-head wig as a protective style--not the wigs with the comb in the middle of them. I'm talking about the wigs that you just put on your head without any combs. She could braid her hair underneath and keep all of it--particularly the bald spot--well moisturized.
Since she's NOT gonna stop relaxing, maybe you should look into some topical treatments like oils. Maybe jojoba oil w/ some rosemary added to it (10-15 drops per oz to start) OR make up the MoeGrow recipe (look it up, but be careful of hot oil on making it) and use that in the balding area. It's likely alopecia of some sort, so she should try to avoid those hairpieces that she was using but look into wigs.
It sounds very much like alopecia. She needs to go to a dermatologist. If you can afford it, I would encourage her to get a lace wig and braid her hair underneath. If she gets it sized right, then iit will give her edges a rest as well.
Dermatologist needs to examine the scalp under their err dermatology lights. Get a thorough scalp check and lay off the relaxers.
Welcome to LHCF. I lurked for a long time too before joining....
I 100% agree w/ everyone who has said to stop the relaxers. I also would encourage your sister to see a dermatologist. I had a small bald spot a long time ago. The Derm gave me a couple of shots in my head (sounds bad, but it was nothing) and it seems like the hair grew back almost over night. I have never had any bald spots since (this was probably 10 years ago). Another thing is if her scalp is dry/itchy/flaky, she should have an allergy test. Food allergies, like dairy, can cause eczema, which will cause your hair to bail. Best wishes to you and your sister!
I have to ask how is your sister responding to your help? Is she wanting this help? Do you think she will do what needs to be done.

Gotta get her to change her thinking and figure out what she wants to do before your help will be of any benefit to her.

I would suggest getting to the dermatologist to confirm the reason for the bald spot.

After that there are many recipes on this site for baldness and thinning edges.

If you gave her a subscription to this forum would she use it?

Make sure she takes part in the learning and the process also.
Okay guys, sorry its been taking me so long, This week at school was finals:rolleyes: are the pictures...



:nono::nono::nono:Im not sure if its alopecia becuse the hair is growing, its just servely broken off. If the hair still doesn't show improvement after a month, we will def schedule an appointment.

This what ive planned so far. (this is what i typed and printed out for her to follow)

No more relaxers for a while.(a year at least) we will trim ur hair little by little until it’s even and as your bald spot/s fills in. Wear a wig which allows your entire hair to be covered.

Shampoo> Diluted Dr. Bonners’ Castile Soap> Weekly
Condition> Giovanni SAS> Weekly
Protein> Aphogee 2min reconstructor> Bi-weekly
Hot Oil> Helens Jojoba Oil> Biweekly
Leave in> Paul Mitchell> Weekly
Moisture> Shea butter Mixture> As needed
Growth Treatment> Castor Oil> Everyday

What do you think?
^oh no, that's awful. I think the regimen you have planned for her is good. But i don't think you should put the Castor oil on her scalp everyday. Maybe only when her scalp gets dry, because Castor oil is heavy if her scalp doesn't absorb it, it could block her pores, perhaps.
I have to ask how is your sister responding to your help? Is she wanting this help? Do you think she will do what needs to be done.

Gotta get her to change her thinking and figure out what she wants to do before your help will be of any benefit to her.

I would suggest getting to the dermatologist to confirm the reason for the bald spot.

After that there are many recipes on this site for baldness and thinning edges.

If you gave her a subscription to this forum would she use it?

Make sure she takes part in the learning and the process also.

I was thinking of that too. I really don't know if she would. She saw me go from unhealthy relaxed hair to healthy natrual hair but has NEVER asked me or talked to me about healthy hair. For now i just want to get everything going.

But i did write her a two page imformative paper on keeping hair healthy, why their is no such thing as good or bad hair, and black hair myths. :look:
^oh no, that's awful. I think the regimen you have planned for her is good. But i don't think you should put the Castor oil on her scalp everyday. Maybe only when her scalp gets dry, because Castor oil is heavy if her scalp doesn't absorb it, it could block her pores, perhaps.

Okay, thanks.
Welcome aboard!!!!:yep:

I agree w/ Irresistible. Your sister should lay off the relaxers for now b/c that will only put more stress on her hair. She should also visit the dermatologist.

In the meantime, maybe she could wear a full-head wig as a protective style--not the wigs with the comb in the middle of them. I'm talking about the wigs that you just put on your head without any combs. She could braid her hair underneath and keep all of it--particularly the bald spot--well moisturized.

Hey I wanted to know where I can get the full wigs w/o the combs from? TIA
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Okay guys, sorry its been taking me so long, This week at school was finals:rolleyes: are the pictures...

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:nono::nono::nono:Im not sure if its alopecia becuse the hair is growing, its just servely broken off. If the hair still doesn't show improvement after a month, we will def schedule an appointment.

This what ive planned so far. (this is what i typed and printed out for her to follow)

No more relaxers for a while.(a year at least) we will trim ur hair little by little until it’s even and as your bald spot/s fills in. Wear a wig which allows your entire hair to be covered.

Shampoo> Diluted Dr. Bonners’ Castile Soap> Weekly
Condition> Giovanni SAS> Weekly
Protein> Aphogee 2min reconstructor> Bi-weekly
Hot Oil> Helens Jojoba Oil> Biweekly
Leave in> Paul Mitchell> Weekly
Moisture> Shea butter Mixture> As needed
Growth Treatment> Castor Oil> Everyday

What do you think?

When alopecia starts, it causes your hair follicles to shrink, so the hair will grow, but it will be a different texture and very easy to break. Is that what's going on with her?
When alopecia starts, it causes your hair follicles to shrink, so the hair will grow, but it will be a different texture and very easy to break. Is that what's going on with her?

No the texture is not different... i honestly dont know wats going on, i hardly ever see her real hair, so this was a shock!
I'm sorry your sis is going through this :(
I would just like to add make sure that she is also taking vitamins and drinking lots of water.
Perhaps you might prepare a coconut oil/essential oil mix that she can massage into her scalp daily. -c
No more relaxers for now, sweetheart. Nurse your hair back to health with weekly protein-deep moisturizing treatments for at least 6 months. I would try to stretch as long as possible and trim away split ends. Try Nioxin as well.
I really think she should go to a derm. And no more relaxers. Tell her to watch her diet.

Maybe try massaging her scalp with a mix of olive oil, peppermint oil, and rosemary oil.

One of our members, nonie had a bald spot and she used an essential oil mixture and it grew back.
Perhaps this is not what you want to hear, but I suspect you have already offered her your "help" - and perhaps you may want to heal her; however, before you go charging off to develop a new life plan for your sister, if she was not the one who approached you - then you must let it be.

I generally love all advice from the ladies of this forum, yet they too would agree that you can not want this for her more than she want it for herself.

What you are proposing is alot - a completely new way of living. Baby steps.

But since I am a LHCF girl....

I would begin treatment weekly with Alter Ego Garlic Treatment and Alter Ego Curativ Ego Cren.

WHAT you say, only two products. Yes, baby steps. That's right, no oils, mixtures, or yoga positions. If she wants her hair she will only be able to do one or two things max. Once she sees results (and I haven't met one person, including myself, that haven't seen results with this) she will be willing to go one step further.

All the best.
I'm not a hair guru but I had a spot on my right side at the temple that was thinning pretty badly. I just used jojoba oil on it and massaged it and my entire head religiously. It's much thicker now. Also I know someone personally that used Rogaine and her hair grew back pretty good too. Just a suggestion.

PS: Welcome to the forum, you're gonna love it here!