Hair length - is it just me?

I think its an individual thing, whether relaxer or natural. They have just found what works for them, like someone else said. :yep:
Okay thank you, I will research the information below. :yep:

From what I've learned here, castor oil. I just think that my hair just hated relaxers. My hair has quadrupled in thickness since I went natural, mostly since I've been "educated" on how to take care of it. I also use vatika oil on my scalp and neelibhringadi, both are Indian oils. I love my natural hair versus my weak limp days. If I would have had the knowledge I have now!
naturals trim more than relaxed heads. once you do that BC trimming those ends are hella addictive for somefolks including me:grin:
I think it's a toss up, all about the individual, their growth rate, and how well they take care of their hair. Me personally, my growth rate and retention are improving without a relaxer. I am allergic to lye, I relaxed my daughter's hair yesterday and my hands started itching (yes I had on gloves) and turning red, a little relaxer got on my wrist and I got little hives. So obviously my hair is going to do better without relaxers. But many ladies get great growth with relaxers.
I think it's a toss up, all about the individual, their growth rate, and how well they take care of their hair. Me personally, my growth rate and retention are improving without a relaxer. I am allergic to lye, I relaxed my daughter's hair yesterday and my hands started itching (yes I had on gloves) and turning red, a little relaxer got on my wrist and I got little hives. So obviously my hair is going to do better without relaxers. But many ladies get great growth with relaxers.

nothing to do with the post but I'm really hoping you're my hair twin when I finish transitioning :look: your hair is beautiful!
Ummm I think hair grows at the same rate for each individual whether relaxed or natural. I think its easier for SOME people to retain more length with relaxed hair simply because its all they know. I think its easier in general to retain more length with natural hair because its not in a weakened state. BUT as we all know sometimes the curlier you hair is the harder it is to retain moisture therefore SOME naturals will not retain as much hair as they did relaxed. But once again with proper instruction I think as a consensus naturals will retain length better then hair thats been processed (color, relaxer, texturixer, etc) :yep:
I've noticed the opposite :yep: And, for me I just know my hair has grown much faster and hasn't reached that stagnant stage that my relaxed hair hit.

BUT, as always its different for everyone, the amount of heat they use, their product choice etc!
As I look at various pictures and read the stories behind the ladies with length, it seems as though the relaxed ladies achieve growth faster. Anyone else notice this?

**This is not a natural vs. relaxer thread, just checking to see if I am noticing this or maybe the relaxed just have more stories/pictures. :spinning:**

It's possible that you may notice this more because it's easier to see length on relaxed hair. With natural you have a LOT of shrinkage. When my hair is in it's natural state it's probably not even bsl but when it's straight I'm about hip-length:spinning:.