Hair lazy in the summer


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who's like this? I've noticed this summer that I've been quite hair lazy, especially when it comes to styling. I'll do my regular wash day routine up until styling and then bam! The next thing I know I've done a bunch of heatless styles these past few weeks when I promised myself I'd only do it once this early on in my stretch.

That and I've worn my hair down a lot. Like... a lot, a lot. I've worn it down at least once every week for at least a month which is huge for me.

I don't know if it's because it's summer time and I just want to enjoy the fruits of my labor thus far or what, buuuut this whole hair lazy styling/wearing my hair down is weird. I'm gonna need to straighten myself out before I make this a habit y'all!!

What about you guys? Anyone else experiencing any hair laziness and deviating from their normal routines this summer?
I know what you mean my hair has been in buns And two strand twists and that's it....just lazy lol
I hear you. I've been too lazy to bun my hair.

I've been wearing this raggedy wash n go for the last week.
This is the first year that I wore my hair down and out - I usually keep it in twists. Moisturise, seal and twist at night then in the morning unravel, shake & go.

I actually love it so, I will keep on doing it for the rest of the summer and back to twists until next year.
I feel you Op. This summer my hair has strictly been worn in buns. The last time I wore my hair down was sometime in April after a fresh relaxer. From there I continued with my normal wash regimen and my hair went from wraps->ponytail->bun! In my defense, I'm currently 7 months preggo and the thought of my putting more effort into my hair is just *hides face in shame*

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I did find me doing this same protective style for 5 weeks until SO mentioned he was bored with it and did a braidout. But I always worry about how to keep it up. Pineappling just isn't for me. It just stretches my curls and I use to just sleep with a bonnet but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I could end up with smashed curls that won't plump back up
I did find me doing this same protective style for 5 weeks until SO mentioned he was bored with it and did a braidout. But I always worry about how to keep it up. Pineappling just isn't for me. It just stretches my curls and I use to just sleep with a bonnet but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I could end up with smashed curls that won't plump back up

I'm the same way! I don't even bother trying to pineapple, it just confuses me and makes me frustrated. I throw on a bonnet and call it a night. Won't touch my hair for days and just bun, bun, bun so by day 3 or 4, I have a nice dread session going on. Which usually means it's time to co-wash again and start the whole process over. Sounds a lot worse than it is :lol: but it seems to work for me. Been doing it for a couple years at least
I'm super summer hair lazy that's why it has to be weaved up because I just want to wake up and do absolutely nothing to it
I'm the same way! I don't even bother trying to pineapple, it just confuses me and makes me frustrated. I throw on a bonnet and call it a night. Won't touch my hair for days and just bun, bun, bun so by day 3 or 4, I have a nice dread session going on. Which usually means it's time to co-wash again and start the whole process over. Sounds a lot worse than it is :lol: but it seems to work for me. Been doing it for a couple years at least

Missrayne do you mean your hair dreads it you dread doing it over again?
I have been hair lazy doing cowashes and braidouts for the last two months as I don't want to go through the effort of washing, blowdrying and flat ironing when I'm going to be sweating, especially as I'm now 12 weeks post relaxer.

I've felt so free and sexy with my curls and because I trimmed two months ago, my braidouts shrinks my hair to shoulder length bob style so it's a nice change.

I flat ironed for a length check this week but I'll go back to straightening weekly when it gets cold and I'm now researching new straighteners.

But for now, it's summer time and the styling us eeeeaaaasy!
I am VERY hair lazy during the summer. I almost think that is why it is so easy to retain length for me during the summer.

When my hair gets to my goal, I will probably be spectacularly hair lazy :lol:.
I'm definitely like this. I think if I had more going on in the summer I would take that extra step but since the summer is a little bit slower as I am a student I think I just let my hair go to the dark side a little bit lol. I end up with knots and matts GALORE and it's just a mess. I've been trying to get it together by entering a few challenges and it helped a little but right now my hair is in princess leia buns from a partially failed curl former set.
Being hair lazy has kept my hair healthy. I will stay hair lazy as long as I can comfortably get away with it. I mainly cowash, two-strand twist overnight, untwist and fluff in the morning.
Half wigs. And buns all summer... My hair has thrived off of this even with some shedding issues