Hair in Braids when Texlaxing - Does anyone do this?


New Member
I'm gonna be texlaxing this week (10 weeks post) and i came upon an idea will braiding my hair the other night.
I braided my hair in small 1 & 1/2 inch squared braids & could see my new growth really well within the partings.
So, i'm thinking of touching up my perm while my hair is in small braids like this.

I only want my NG & edges texlaxed, so surely the hair that is braided (which i will base in EVOO) will be more protected than if it was clipped up or loosely twisted in 4 larger sections (which i normally do & always manage to get relaxer cream on :ohwell:)?
Plus with the smaller sections, it seems i'd be able to get to the NG easier.

I have NL hair, so maybe this would only work on short/shorter hair like mine (?)
But, what d'yall think........has anyone done this?
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Hmmmm...I have never done a touchup like that, and I have a couple of "concerns" about that method.

First, I will be scared that the relaxer creme would not be be rinsed thoroughly; that some of it would get trapped in the braids.

Secondly, unless you plan on unraveling the braids before neutralizing, I would be concerned that my hair was not properly neutralized.

I understand that the "parts" from the braids would allow you to move through your hair quickly, but I wouldn't risk it.
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I have never heard of this nor would I recommend this on your hair. You need to be sure that you get all of the relaxer removed from your hair and doing this in braids won't guarantee that that will be accomplished.

Where did you see this method being done and how were the results? You said you came upon this, in what manner?
This sounds dangerous and I wouldn't do it! Some other ladies here said they put grease or vaseline on the already processed hair so the perm wouldn't effect it. But like prospurr said, what if the perm gets trapped in sections of your hair? Or if you don't reach all the NG in between the braids? :ohwell:Not a good look sista:nono: