Hair Horror Story


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies...

Forgive me if there was a thread done like this, I tried searching as far back and I didn't see any. I know we had some hair stories to tell for days. I'll start out with mines.

About five years ago I was takin out my Kinky twist braids. After all was said and done, I stuck my head under the shower and started to wash it. (note: I DIDN"T attempt to run a comb or even my fingers through my dirty hair) Anyways as I'm washing I began to realize something wasn't right, that didn't stop me though i continued to shampoo and then condition. After wards I went to towel dry my hair that's when I realized that my hair LOCKED UP :wallbash:. There was no way I was getting a comb through it. Well, my hair being locked up didn't stop me. I still tried to get a comb through and in the process I ended up ripping out my hair (A LOT OF HAIR). The worst part was the hair matted together in a knot sitting at the top of my head. I tried so hard to get that knot undone...until I couln't do it anymore. I sat on floor in front of the mirror crying. I picked up a pair of sicssors and chopped that matted hair off. You think I would have worn a wig the next day...nope not this girl, I ended a got a relaxer (my scalp burned like HELL) Yet i sat there cause I wanted it straigh...nevermind the fact that my scalp was getting messed up in thr process and so was my hair.

That's just one of my hair horror stories (belive me I got ALOT) Burned out my hair a couple weeks ago, that's how I ended up on this board...LOL!

So ladies, I'm sure you have a story to tell...what's yours?
Wow....glad you overcame that hun

I was 15 and despite my mother not wanting me too I wanted to get a relaxer...all the other high schools girls were getting mother wouldnt do it or even pay for it but her friend had a friedn who wold have done it for me...I had to buy the perm and she would do it.

I asked the lady what perm to buy she said super (I later discovered my hair needs only regular or mild) I asked should I wash my hair first she told me yes.....

Went to the house gave her the box and expected magic...what I got was a complete act witchcraft...after about 5 min of the applciation I told hte lady my scalp was burning she said it's normal but I had to sit there...sat for amybe 10 min my head was on fire...she started to get frustrated with me cause I told here I couldn't keep the casutic solution in my head anymore...she said to wait...after 5 more minutes I sai nod more...she ran me under the tub faucet and rinsed with cold water...felt some nice relief...

But why was there puss at the fron of my matted down to my scalp by looked and felt disgusting and you wold have sworn I had been scalped...worst part I had school the next day...I had to wear a cap in school (where it was a no-no) but I was not taking it the point where a teacher pulled me out of class and asked me why not and I had to show her...she apologized and siad it would be ok...I was embarassed and I had vowed never to put that stuffin my hair again...I was a happy natural but pressing got on my nerves big wasn't until I was 18 that I permed again and that continued on for a few more years until 23 I decided to go natural...reverted back once again 2 years later but then back to natural...

I'm little ticked off cause if I had left my hair alone back then when Iwas natural wooohoo! hair was gorgeous to the touch lovely her I fight at least 3 times a month...but hey everything happens for a reason right?

Damn super perm....*kissing teeth*
The last time I suffered a common cold, lasted 5 days, my hair was so matted to my head, I refused to attempt combing or washing. SO I ended up at a local horse tack shop to purchase some Cowboy Magic. :blush: It worked. It was really funny because it took the clerk a while to catch on, she kept asking me what kind of horse I had and I kept saying "it's for me", and she just kept talking......she cracked up when I finally made her realize it's for me really meant me as the person standing before her! What was she thinking. :rolleyes:

That has to be the worst condition my hair has seen that I can remember. I did not lose much hair thanks to the Cowboy Magic Detangler! I got some free Rosewater Shampoo with it too.:yep:
Oh good Lord!!!!!!
The second story made my scalp itch LOL

I have so many stories I could write a book. I decided one day that I wanted a weave. I didn't go to a professional of course, why would I do that? That would require thinking. So I bought some fake hair and gave this crazy lady $250 to GLUE IT to my hair. Yes glue. So I leave her house thinking I looked so beautiful. My hair was so long and flowing. 2 days later I leave to the Dominican Rep. to visit my parents. We go to the beach and I'm at Boca Chica having fun. I get home and wow I can't comb the hair. 3 hours later I'm still trying to detangle. I even accidentally popped one out. In that section what was left was 1 inch of hair. I come home a week later and I run to the salon. The woman at the salon (she recommended the crazy weave woman) tells me that she knows how to blow dry this hair, I'm gonna be ok. So she starts to blow dry and pops out 3 of my weaves, my hair included. I said ok that's enough. I call up the crazy lady (she really was crazy,but I was crazier for letting her touch my hair!) and she tells me to come over. It took her like 2 hours to pull the weave out. I can feel my real hair and it feels GROSS to the touch, all stringy and so much hair fell out.

The next day I had to go to a different salon and get about 4 inches of my hair cut :( and it took about 2 months for my hair to look/feel normal again. Later on I found out that the hair I bought was for braiding. Oops! Oh and that she should've braided my hair then done a sewn-in weave. Oops!
Oh my God those are some HORRIBLE stories.

Mine isn't too bad, but horrific for me.

Against my better judgement, I let a co-worker do a sew in on me for $40. She told me she does them all the time. Well I was on my way to a Cubs game so when she finished, I put my Cubs hat on and had a great time.

The next day, I was on my way to work and my friend just happened to be sitting there on my bed. When I leaned over to put my socks on, I heard her gasp. I looked at her and was like, "What?"

She just grabbed my camera and said, "I can't describe what I'm seeing right now, so I'm gonna take a picture."

This is what she got.

I was sooo horrified. Thank goodness I was early for work. I went to my regular lady who does my sew ins and paid an additional $50 plus $60 for hair for her to fix it. Plus I had to endure the ribbing I got for going to someone else to get my hair done instead of her doing it.

Never again. Oh and when I see that co-worker, I go the other way. You get what you pay for.
Oh my God those are some HORRIBLE stories.

Mine isn't too bad, but horrific for me.

Against my better judgement, I let a co-worker do a sew in on me for $40. She told me she does them all the time. Well I was on my way to a Cubs game so when she finished, I put my Cubs hat on and had a great time.

The next day, I was on my way to work and my friend just happened to be sitting there on my bed. When I leaned over to put my socks on, I heard her gasp. I looked at her and was like, "What?"

She just grabbed my camera and said, "I can't describe what I'm seeing right now, so I'm gonna take a picture."

This is what she got.

I was sooo horrified. Thank goodness I was early for work. I went to my regular lady who does my sew ins and paid an additional $50 plus $60 for hair for her to fix it. Plus I had to endure the ribbing I got for going to someone else to get my hair done instead of her doing it.

Never again. Oh and when I see that co-worker, I go the other way. You get what you pay for.

OMG!!! Yeah stay away from her.

Hey how bout when i was 16, i went to the hair salon and the stylist doubled the track (by folding it cause she claimed the track was so thin) than she sewed it in. I walke out lookin like Diana Ross when she was in the Supremes...I mean my hair was so BIG...I cried, ended up breaking my I took them things out the same day.
Oh good Lord!!!!!!
The second story made my scalp itch LOL

I have so many stories I could write a book. I decided one day that I wanted a weave. I didn't go to a professional of course, why would I do that? That would require thinking. So I bought some fake hair and gave this crazy lady $250 to GLUE IT to my hair. Yes glue. So I leave her house thinking I looked so beautiful. My hair was so long and flowing. 2 days later I leave to the Dominican Rep. to visit my parents. We go to the beach and I'm at Boca Chica having fun. I get home and wow I can't comb the hair. 3 hours later I'm still trying to detangle. I even accidentally popped one out. In that section what was left was 1 inch of hair. I come home a week later and I run to the salon. The woman at the salon (she recommended the crazy weave woman) tells me that she knows how to blow dry this hair, I'm gonna be ok. So she starts to blow dry and pops out 3 of my weaves, my hair included. I said ok that's enough. I call up the crazy lady (she really was crazy,but I was crazier for letting her touch my hair!) and she tells me to come over. It took her like 2 hours to pull the weave out. I can feel my real hair and it feels GROSS to the touch, all stringy and so much hair fell out.

The next day I had to go to a different salon and get about 4 inches of my hair cut :( and it took about 2 months for my hair to look/feel normal again. Later on I found out that the hair I bought was for braiding. Oops! Oh and that she should've braided my hair then done a sewn-in weave. Oops!

yeah that pus story was pretty darn gross and made my scalp hurt.

I used to rock cornrows all the time during the summer but my cousin who did them well and for free moved so my friend suggests i go to an African braiding shop and get them done with hair so that they'll last longer than my normal 4-7 days. we go at the crack of dawn. this chick is combing my natural APL hair with a fine tooth comb and i can feel her ripping hair out. so finally my whole head is done but she's still doing something to my hair (im not facing a mirror and she's behind me). I didn't realize until the flame was close to my ear that she is "cleaning it up and making it neat". in the process, she burned off half my hair. i go home, take the braids i paid $90 for that day down, and clumps and clumps of burned, brittle hair is coming off in my hands. so I spent the evening crying my eyes out stuffing a freezer bag full of hair.
I have one:

When I was a senior in highschool, my mother and I decided it would be a good idea to get a weave for my senior pictures. We had no knowledge about weaves and completely put our trust in my hairdresser, who we later found out didn't know what she was doing. Instead of doing a sew-in or even adding tracks with glue, she ended up doing a quickweave but without the cap :nono:. so she finishes and the end result was really cute! it was the perfect length for my cap and gown pictures. and when she took it out, there appeared to be no damage and I went back to my normal style with no problems.

BUT....because the first time went so "well", I decided to do it again for prom and graduation. only this time when I got tired of the itching, I decided to take it out myself. big mistake! everything was fine until I got to the top where the circle is made. it turns out that she put tooooo much glue in that one area. after 2 hours of crying and spraying oil sheen to loosen the glue, I got fed up and grabbed the scissors. the end result was shoulder length hair with 2 inches in the crown. the only solution was to cut it into a short style.

:wallbash: so so stupid!
I have a couple horror stories - i think i posted them before...

1. the biggest - NATURALAXER - URRRRRRRRRRRRR. Its supposed to be 'natural', the founder has thick hair and won all these awards - WHAT A MISTAKE - clumps of hair came out in the shower - i was FREAKEN out and totally regret it. After a few years of mizani after that, i just decided to transition.

2. another horror story - trusted my hair to some official mizani stylist. after telling me his life story, trying to sell me his own line of flatiron, and asking me to donate to his dead wifes fund, he told me i really really needed a trim. he said my hair looked horrible and i would ruin his reputation if pple saw me leave his salon with messed up ends. he goes and gives me a CUT and when im upset, he tells me - why do you want long hair anyway, do you have a self esteem problem?

3. a third story - i was dying my hair (whole head) every 4 weeks (just like i had seen my mom do with no ill effects). I would wait two weeks in between dying and relaxing as i was told you were supposed to. didnt help. i would go to different salons and every two weeks they would say i needed a trim - i was like WTH? Not one of them offered me advice or tell me deep conditioning would help. I ended up with above shoulder length hair for the first time EVER.

4. various FRY sessions on the salon. also at the salon - getting a huge burn on my forehead from the curling iron and then being blamed for 'moving', my piercings being ripped out while washing, my highlights coming out ORANGE AND PINK - and i PAID FOR THIS! lol
2. another horror story - trusted my hair to some official mizani stylist. after telling me his life story, trying to sell me his own line of flatiron, and asking me to donate to his dead wifes fund, he told me i really really needed a trim. he said my hair looked horrible and i would ruin his reputation if pple saw me leave his salon with messed up ends. he goes and gives me a CUT and when im upset, he tells me - why do you want long hair anyway, do you have a self esteem problem?.[/B]

I'm mad at that Some people don't know the difference between a cut and a TRIM.
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Wow! I love reading these horrors stories!
Ok.. here's mine:

1) Asked my daughter to curl my hair three weeks before my wedding. She ended up putting a big BURN mark across my forehead! (Thank God for rosehip seed oil!)
2) Went to a lady for highlights that didn't know what she was doing. I came up literally looking like a skunk! The middle was PURE WHITE! Then I went to a another stylist who turned it all platnum blond to try to make it work. I wore that look for about 3 months and then decided to do a BC and just wear weaves for a few years.
3) When I was little my mom would press my hair with a straightening comb that you use on the stove. Well, at 13 I figured I'd seen her do it enough times to do it right. I started with the back and out came a big clump of burnt hair.
last but not least....
4) Used to watch all the white girls in my class use SUN-IN. I wanted light hair too. I used the same SUN-IN that they were using, and my hair turned out ORANGE!!!!
Wow! I love reading these horrors stories!
Ok.. here's mine:

1) Asked my daughter to curl my hair three weeks before my wedding. She ended up putting a big BURN mark across my forehead! (Thank God for rosehip seed oil!)
2) Went to a lady for highlights that didn't know what she was doing. I came up literally looking like a skunk! The middle was PURE WHITE! Then I went to a another stylist who turned it all platnum blond to try to make it work. I wore that look for about 3 months and then decided to do a BC and just wear weaves for a few years.
3) When I was little my mom would press my hair with a straightening comb that you use on the stove. Well, at 13 I figured I'd seen her do it enough times to do it right. I started with the back and out came a big clump of burnt hair.
last but not least....
4) Used to watch all the white girls in my class use SUN-IN. I wanted light hair too. I used the same SUN-IN that they were using, and my hair turned out ORANGE!!!![/quote]

I used that too faithfully for awhile:lachen:...nasty orangey-red-brownish colour a mess!
yeah that pus story was pretty darn gross and made my scalp hurt.

And you're just reading about it...I was so grossed out myself I didn't want to touch my own hair...and it pained something else too...

Funny thing is that same day after the lady saw the puss and I had mentioned it to her she was like it's cause you washed your hair :rolleyes:...Lady did I not aska nd tell you what I did before...I wanted to cuss her out so bad but hey at that time I respected my elders...even thinking about it now...boy...some words almost slipped out..

Thank you Jesus
2. another horror story - trusted my hair to some official mizani stylist. after telling me his life story, trying to sell me his own line of flatiron, and asking me to donate to his dead wifes fund, he told me i really really needed a trim. he said my hair looked horrible and i would ruin his reputation if pple saw me leave his salon with messed up ends. he goes and gives me a CUT and when im upset, he tells me - why do you want long hair anyway, do you have a self esteem problem?
that just pissed me off.
About a year ago, I decided to get a texturizer instead of my regular relaxer and I asked my aunt to put it in for me. I bought a kiddie texturizer by the advice of my mother thinking it wouldn't be as "strong". Biggest hair mistake I ever made.:nono: I had that thing on my head for 20-25 mintues, and my scalp and the side of my face starts to burn.:burning: I tell her my face is burning and she quickly washes it out but when I look in the mirror, I have a quarter-sized burn on my face, plus by that time my hair was bone-straight not tex-laxed. Even after carefully applying cocoa butter and not picking at the scab, I still have a scar on the side of my face from it. Never again!:nono:
Wow! I love reading these horrors stories!
Ok.. here's mine:

1) Asked my daughter to curl my hair three weeks before my wedding. She ended up putting a big BURN mark across my forehead! (Thank God for rosehip seed oil!)
2) Went to a lady for highlights that didn't know what she was doing. I came up literally looking like a skunk! The middle was PURE WHITE! Then I went to a another stylist who turned it all platnum blond to try to make it work. I wore that look for about 3 months and then decided to do a BC and just wear weaves for a few years.
3) When I was little my mom would press my hair with a straightening comb that you use on the stove. Well, at 13 I figured I'd seen her do it enough times to do it right. I started with the back and out came a big clump of burnt hair.
last but not least....
4) Used to watch all the white girls in my class use SUN-IN. I wanted light hair too. I used the same SUN-IN that they were using, and my hair turned out ORANGE!!!!
:lachen:I used that Sun-In too along with some dye and my hair started falling out. I didn't wash or comb my hair for 2 weeks.
Wow! These stories are truly horrific. My worst would have to be when I was about six. My father and stepmother had just bought a new house with a lot of land, and they took us kids on a long walk through the woods. I ended up getting burrs in my hair, and my father and stepmother, neither of whom knew how to deal with my hair anyway, could not get them out. So my father chopped off my hair! I looked like a boy for a good year or so:blush:. Needless to say, I have had issues with other people's hands in my hair ever since. Even 30+ years later...:wallbash:
got a texturizer and all of my hair is falling out as we speak, which I started a thread.

OMG I'm so sorry!!! Take a deep breath and start searching LHCF for some answers. I wish you well!

2. another horror story - trusted my hair to some official mizani stylist. after telling me his life story, trying to sell me his own line of flatiron, and asking me to donate to his dead wifes fund, he told me i really really needed a trim. he said my hair looked horrible and i would ruin his reputation if pple saw me leave his salon with messed up ends. he goes and gives me a CUT and when im upset, he tells me - why do you want long hair anyway, do you have a self esteem problem?

OMG what a jerk! And I say jerk because I'm not allowed to swear here!
I used to go to this Costa Rican woman here in Boston and she would have me in and out of the salon in one hour. She would wash, blow fry my hair, and send me on my merry way for $40 bucks. I was happy and thought I looked fabulous... till one day I realized that all that blow drying once a week was making the left side of my hair fall out and my hair was lopsided LOL About 3 months later I had to chop off my APL and start over.