Hair Hooks


Active Member
I saw a video where the stylist used a hair hook to put the hair in a ponytail. Anyone heard of these or know where to buy them?

It kinda looked like a bungee cord with hooks on the ends.
Oooohhh! Letitia thanks for this. I love these buns. The sculpted one would work great for a holiday party! Did you see the hair zings someone posted in an earlier thread? I love these too....I'm ordering!!! Check out the style videos!
Oooohhh! Letitia thanks for this. I love these buns. The sculpted one would work great for a holiday party! Did you see the hair zings someone posted in an earlier thread? I love these too....I'm ordering!!! Check out the style videos!
I have some I actually got them on clearance somewhere you have to have thick hair though of they will slide out. They are so cute though
That is the one that I love too!! :love3: I was thinking it's easy enough for me to do. (I think:perplexed)

:lachen:You're just like me...I always stick to the very basics when it comes to styling my hair. I keep it simple and cant do alot of versatile styles:ohwell:

But I really liked the last bun that he created on the model:yep: