Hair Growth Without Protective Styles?


New Member
Pretty new to the forum and this may have already been asked but has anyone had significant growth without using protective styles? If so, please leave tips for the newbie! I REALLY don't look decent with the buns/updos. :perplexed
i think lauren450 grew her hair without protective styles and so did cathy howse so it is possible. i guess it depends on the individual. everyone's hair is different.
I think it can be done but it may take a little longer. Protective styles just allow you to hold onto more of your hair by not manipulating it as much so that you can maximize whatever growth you get by hanging on to your hair w/o breakage. Just make sure that your ends are very well moisturized and I think you should be good to go!
Thanks locabouthair! Since I joined in Nov 05 I have had some quick growth using LHCF protective styling tips so I will probably bun it up again...I'm just looking so raggedy LOL...I just have to uncover a regimen that works for me...

locabouthair said:
i think lauren450 grew her hair without protective styles and so did cathy howse so it is possible. i guess it depends on the individual. everyone's hair is different.
Thanks! Girl u r workin that fro...made me forget my grammer!

naturallady said:
I think it can be done but it may take a little longer. Protective styles just allow you to hold onto more of your hair by not manipulating it as much so that you can maximize whatever growth you get by hanging on to your hair w/o breakage. Just make sure that your ends are very well moisturized and I think you should be good to go!
Welcome PraynChild!

It depends on what works for you and what doesn't. There are several type 4 ladies here who grew ultra-long manes without protective styles and there are some who grew the same lengths with buns.

I started out in buns to restore my hair back to health and I still wear my favorite buns (side buns and low, braided buns) and some other updos, mainly because I like the way I look in them. I wear braidouts too, which is considered a protective style since it doesn't require much manipulation. As Naturallady said, make sure those ends are well moisturized. It's all about protecting the ends.
Thanks ISIS for the warm welcome. I am so happy that a member referred me to this forum! BTW I am currently picking up my chin from the floor drop...your hair is WAY past gorgeous...I will definitely look out for your new styles and techniques...I like the side bun too:) .

Isis said:
Welcome PraynChild!

It depends on what works for you and what doesn't. There are several type 4 ladies here who grew ultra-long manes without protective styles and there are some who grew the same lengths with buns.

I started out in buns to restore my hair back to health and I still wear my favorite buns (side buns and low, braided buns) and some other updos, mainly because I like the way I look in them. I wear braidouts too, which is considered a protective style since it doesn't require much manipulation. As Naturallady said, make sure those ends are well moisturized. It's all about protecting the ends.
Yeah some ladies can get away with it and thrive, but I can't say I am one of 'em.:ohwell: Would be so nice if that weren't the case- I love my hair down. Same thing with heat. Some people can fire up their irons on the regular and still maintain a healthy full head of growing hair! All of that can be done. Its done everyday-- just not over here.:lol:
OH MY GOODNESS :covereyes ...I just looked at your hair pics! Everyone's hair is so healthy with nice length...its official I am sold...I guess I better fine tune these updo's and keep reading tips cause I'm liking what I see.

Sistaslick said:
Yeah some ladies can get away with it and thrive, but I can't say I am one of 'em.:ohwell: Would be so nice if that weren't the case- I love my hair down. Same thing with heat. Some people can fire up their irons on the regular and still maintain a healthy full head of growing hair! All of that can be done. Its done everyday-- just not over here.:lol:
Goodness, I was just thinking about this same thing. As my hair is growing and now that I am not wearing any braids and weaves, this has been a concern of mine. I have been wearing my hair down everyday and I am so afraid of my coats and sweaters chewing off my hair. I don't like the way I look with my hair up - not yet, as least.

Sylver2 comes to mind, though. I remember her posting once that she did not wear protective styles while she was growing her hair out.
I grew my hair long without protective styles before LHCF (almost to waist, then I was able to maintain BSL length hair too). I wore them for a while last year and as very short time this year; then realized I was doing more harm than good. My hair has a fine texture, and its used to being worn out. Buns when done constantly (protective styling) tend to break my hair in the long run, no matter what I use to secure them. I hope you find your niche' !
ITA_ I think its depends on your hair type. You will know by working with your hair what it does and does not need. If your hair breaks easily and cant handle heat- I would opt for conditoning washes and protective styles so you wont lose hair through frequent manipulation.

If your hair is super strong, you can prob get away with wearing it out a lot and still get growth. Since I started doing my own hair, sounds silly but, I feel like I have a relationship with my hair. I know when it need moisture, oil,...a break, lol. But I feel so much more in control then when I used to rely on stylists:grin:
PraynChild said:
Pretty new to the forum and this may have already been asked but has anyone had significant growth without using protective styles? If so, please leave tips for the newbie! I REALLY don't look decent with the buns/updos. :perplexed

Hi, I grew my hair from a Halle Berry pixie cut without protective styles. I Never ever wear protective styles, because of that I do have to take extra care with my hair and ends but all good and healthy:-)
OKay, all hair grows (unless youre bald or sufering from alopecia or chemo or other things like that) What you have to wory about is retaining the growh. Now my hair will retain growth no matter what I do to it. I can say over the years Ive pretty much tortured my hair and still had growth and length but thats not what you should aim for. HEALTH of the hair is what you want.

Once again that differs per person. My hair is healthiest in its natural state. Yes it was nice relaxed but thinner. Nowthat Im transitioning my hair is way thicker and healthier.

Do I use protective styles? Yes and no. WHen my hair is out, its out. When its braided its protected. I sleep without a scarf, I wash when I feel like it, and I use almost every banned product (see my siggy :lol:) :D AND I havent combed my hair in 4 days and still my hair grows with VERY minimal breakage. But everyone hair isnt like that so please dont do what I do.

When my hair was bra strap I wore my hair wrapped 85% of the time. I did wear a scarf then (sometimes) but I was still abusing my hair in other ways (dye, etc)

So in conclusion (you couldve skipped all the rest down to this part :) ) Yes you can grow your hair without using protective styles but it all depends on your hair.
Thanks so much to all of the ladies who replied!! You all have such gorgeous hair, pretty faces and helpful comments. I will definitely keep my ends moisturized and listen to my hair to see what works for me.
I must say that I tried bunning for a while and it did nothing but break my hair off. The hair at my nape(back of my neck) has broke off noticeably since I started wearing those buns. I had to do too much manipulation to the hair to slick it back. I've given up on protective hair styles for that reason. I get decent growth wearing it out though. Just as much as I was getting wearing it up.