Hair Growth Revelations


New Member
Has anyone hair grown longer than ever before after joining LHCF. If yes what wwas your hair growth maximum before LHCF and what is it now after you have joined LHCF?
When I was around 9 or 10 years old I had waist length hair. I have 5 other sisters and we all had long hair so one summer my mom went :spinning: and cut of all of our hair really short. I actually like it. I then grew it back and when i was 17 tried to do my own relaxer:grin: . All of my hair fell out. I have only been taking care of my hair for about a little over a month and its doing ALOT better. It is a little past APL.
My maximum adult length was longer than it is one year after joining LHCF. It was right around BSL about 4 years ago. I'm still not back there yet. :( Most of life my hair has been about APL. That's where I am now. But I spent the last 3 yrs at SL. So APL seems like a blessing.
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Before joining LHCF my hair had NEVER gotten past about 1 inch above Armpit Length. Also, it was a LOT thinner.

Since joining LHCF, my hair has thickened up substantially, and it's about BSL now, I believe (I'll find out when i remove these braids!) So yeah, my hair is the longest its EVER been, and i attribute that 100% to LHCF!!!! :D
kinikakes your hair looks great. you should be at BSL before the year is over. What do you owe your success to.
I *think* brastrap at 10 with my 1st relaxer, but then that quickly went to APL, then shoulder due to damage. Then I grew it back to APL myself at the same time I joined LHCF, then chopped it all off, now almost back at APL again.

So basically, I got nowhere! :lol:
Shea said:
kinikakes your hair looks great. you should be at BSL before the year is over. What do you owe your success to.

Thanks girl! Definitely protective styles..... and MTG!
My hair,now, is the longest that I can ever rememeber it being. I am growing it from Armpit to BraStrap. I hope my cycle allows me to do so. Prior to LHCF, my hair was neck lenght.
Yes. definitely. I have once sister who grew her hair to waistlength more than one time. another sister never allowed hers to grow beyond shoulderlength. She cannot stand long hair on herself. Me. Never past APL that I can remember.(and that was incidental not intentional)I really had no interest in trying to grow my hair out until I was in danger of losing it and then I made it a mission spiriturally and physically in 1999. It was then that I actually started to pay any attention to my hair whatsoever. Before that I chopped often to twa, sometimes 2-3 times per year...or if I was stressed, ill and too tired to be bothered with it.... did not deep condition, washed when the mood hit me and treated it with absolutely no respect Nor felt that I needed to. It was sort of like drinking water. I only needed it if I had nothing else to drink. Totally took it for granted. bonjour