Hair growth progress photos-natural hair

Just beautiful.
From one napptural sister to you! YOU ARE SUCH AN INSPIRATION!!! PLEASE DO SHARE! My hair seems not to be progressing even though I trim, have changed my diet, exercise, drink plenty of water, no poo, and supplements. How long have you been natural and can you give me any suggestions to help improve not only the quality and health of my hair, but also to gain growth DOWNWARD. Also, I can't seem to be able to do the two-strand twists. My hair is so coily and soft that oftentimes when I try, it doesn't stay together.

Thanks a bunch and congratulations!!!!

@mich_w, miss_brown, Allandra, sassygirl125, and shebababy: Thank you all so much for the compliments!!

@Leejure-Thanks girl!! Shrinkage is something, ain't it? LOL!
Maestradiva77, your hair is DA BOMB!!!
Where have you been all these months???? I thought I had compiled my list of idols but I'd obviously missed one out!!!
Dayummm, Girl, if I had hair like yours, I'd need a lot of help in the humility department coz I'd swear I was da shshsh....!!!
nonie said:
Maestradiva77, your hair is DA BOMB!!!
Where have you been all these months???? I thought I had compiled my list of idols but I'd obviously missed one out!!!
Dayummm, Girl, if I had hair like yours, I'd need a lot of help in the humility department coz I'd swear I was da shshsh....!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Ditto! Your hair is Beautiful!!!
Nonie, Ire_manzi, zoya_j, CaramelKiss, tracyannette, asummertyme, and Ipanema: Thanks ladies a bunch for the compliments!! :)

@CaramelKiss-I have posted my regime in the Products Section of my photo album. Check it out!

@Ipanema-I got the cool shirt from
Looking at these pictures makes me ponder about why I am addicted to the creamy crack we call relaxers.... Her hair is so Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mae thats some hair u got there girl!!its so thick n healthy n that twisted sista shirt is too gorgous!!thanks for postin, cantwait till my hair gets to the length u've got!!
Your hair is so cute, and so are you! I loved your "Twisted sistah" shirt...really nice. I've only gone 3 months without a relaxer but I keep my hair in braids because I don't know if I'd be up to dealing with it if it was down. But after looking at how cute your twists are, I may give it a try later. BTW, how long does it take to twist your hair?
Thanks a bunch to ngaa, missykeyana, Nessa, hotshot, and Cybra for the compliments!! :)

@cybra-If I do the medium sized twists, which is what I do most of the time, it will take me and a little over an hour, but if I do small twists, it takes about three hours(not including shampoo and conditioning time). I do my twists while my hair is wet.