Hair Growth Equation...


New Member
Hello Everyone!!!!! I thought it would be fun to have everyone make up their own hair growth equation!!!Feel free to add more to the basic equation I have listed here!!!!

_________ + ___________= Healthy Hair Growth!!!!!!
(blank) (blank)

You can list more than 1 factor thatcontributes to your healthy hair growth but try to keep it simple!LOL!

Also list your goals both short and long term and post pics if you like!!!!! Happy Hair Growing!!!!!
Co washing + Deep conditioning= Happy, moisturized, healthy hair :grin:
Proper relaxing technique + deep conditioning + low heat = healthy hair:yep:

Short Term Goal: Full BSL by the end of this year
Long Term Goal: Full Waist Length by the end of 2009
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(Patience X 7) + Healthy Diet + Exercise + Moisture + Low Manipulation + Protection + Consistency = Healthy Hair Growth & Retention
Deep Conditioning + Protective Styling + Putting the scissors the heck down = Healthy Growth and Retention
No/low mineral oil + No/low cones + No/low petroleum + Gentle Shampoo + No/Low heat + Airdrying + Sealing with oil + Deep Conditioning + Regular Chelating + A good relaxer + Regular Protein Treatments + 1 year =


(Healthy Hair well on it's way to being long and healthy)
MSM (silky..ness) + L-cysteine (100% faster growth) + Omegas (inner stand moisture) + proper haircare + joico products + healthy practices = the best hair ever.

Im on the way.
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Exercise + Drinking lots of water = Healthy Hair Growth!!!!!!


Exercise + Drinking lots of water x Scalp Massages + Eating a Healthy Diet = Healthy hair Growth magnified :grin:

Short term goal: bottom of bra-strap length, Hopefully I'll reach it by next year.

Long term goal: waistlength or longer