hair growth during pregnancy... Faster? or slower?

(only if you've been pregnant) Did your hair grow faster?

  • yes

    Votes: 104 84.6%
  • no

    Votes: 19 15.4%

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Ever since I was younger, I had been told that hair grows faster during pregnancy. I decided to do a little research on the subject... So, does pregnancy help with hair growth? let's find out from Mr. Louis Licari

"When you’re pregnant, the key to looking beautiful is accepting and dealing with the changes your body is going through. And everything does change. The amount of estrogen released in your body increases. As your belly grows, your may notice a change in your hair. Some women see that their hair has become limp and lackluster. If this happens to you, don't worry. This change is temporary. In the meantime, use styling products that add volume and shine, making the most of your new hair texture. On the other hand, you may be like most women and experience your dream hair during pregnancy. It grows faster, becomes thicker, and has a more radiant look. Luxuriate in your hair during your pregnancy, because you may well have some hair loss after the birth of your child or shortly after you stop breast feeding. Do not panic if this happens. Almost as soon as you notice you have less hair, you will see new growth around your hairline. It is simply a process of your hormones returning to their normal levels.

Some women feel the need to cut their hair to a more practical length during pregnancy or when they become new mothers. This is not always the best idea. Many women carry baby weight in their face. Hair that has long layers can give the illusion of a thinner face. Hair that is long enough to tie back is also easier for those days when you are too tired to be bothered with your hair."

If you birthed a child, did your hair grow faster? or slower?
It grew faster and it was the thickest and shiniest ever!!!After I had my daughter it shedded and broke off. I sure do miss that pretty, bouncy hair.
My hair fell out when I was preggers with my daughters due to morning sickness. With my son my hair grew like crazy.
It grow faster. What i do know is by me having both my kids back to back i got to rep all the benefits of extra hair growth with each pregnancy. I did not lose any hair after birth number 1 and my body was probably still in pregnancy mode when i conceived my daughter 3 months later.
I said all that to just say to bad i did not know about lhcf after both pregnancies my hair probably would have been tailbone length after 6 years of good haircare. All my length shedded and broke off back than.
I had crazy beautiful hair when I was pregnant with my daughter's, but my son :nono:, not so much. It still grew when I was preggers with him, but I felt like a Breck girl with the girl's.:lachen:
My hair grew like crazy! It was healthy and shiny, too. Those huge prenatal vitamins probably helped and I ate well & exercised (walking & swimming). It was the longest it has ever been since I had relaxed hair.
My hair grows a lot during pg after the morning-sickness phase.

I think it's the whole state of being/energy...also diet, pre-natal vits, avoiding stress etc.
It grow faster. What i do know is by me having both my kids back to back i got to rep all the benefits of extra hair growth with each pregnancy. I did not lose any hair after birth number 1 and my body was probably still in pregnancy mode when i conceived my daughter 3 months later.
I said all that to just say to bad i did not know about lhcf after both pregnancies my hair probably would have been tailbone length after 6 years of good haircare. All my length shedded and broke off back than.

Oh wow! well, thank God you now know about this site.
For me, my hair didn't grow faster however, it didn't shed at all until 3 months after I had given birth. My hair came out so bad because none had come out during the pregnancy. Which means my hair was so thick while I was pregnant. I would love to have that back again but not the devastation of losing it all three months later.
I know how you feel. My edges came out at precisely 3 months. The breakage lasted about 3 months and then it gradually started to grow back. Don't worry too much. There's hope. I didn't do anything special. I just waited it out and dared not pull my hair back.:sad:
I'm the only one who voted 'no'? :look:

During all three of my pregnancies, I NEVER got any extra growth. My hair just grew at its normal super slo-mo pace

But my body despises being pregnant, so it's not surprising. Just disappointing :sad:
I did not vote because during my first pregnancy my hair was thick (like when I was a teenager) and it grew super long. This time around, it seems like it hasn't really grown any faster or slower and it isn't any thicker. Not sure what the next few months will bring, but right now #2 is very different from #1.
I think mines grew faster and not only that when you are pregnant you don't shed hair so your hair is also thicker. But after baby those hair that didn't fall out during pregnancy do fall out and that's what post partum shedding is.
My hair did not grow any faster during pregnancy, but it was a lot thicker and healthier looking. The NG was more resisitant and my scalp more sensitive than normal.

But then , after the baby was born. I lost a lot of it in the shedding process. Including my hair completely. I just now recovering from it.
My hair grew at about the same rate when I was pg with DD, but with DS I had discoverd LHCF and was washing much more often, so my rate of growth was about the same as it is now.

I never had too much shedding. A little, but not much.
My hair grew faster...actually the length was amazing! I was expecting growth in thickness, but it didn't get thicker, just longer. The NG was the worst I'd ever had in my relaxed life! Once I had my son, I noticed my hairline thinned a bit, but it bounced back. While preggers, I couldn't care for my hair as I usually did... just putting it back in a low braid/French braid was the jist of my day to day. Couldn't stomach the smell of the salon, so that was out til the two weeks before my due date. I was over morning sickness by the 4.5 mo---but hey, it was too wicked to consider breathing the chemical smells, so I was being timid up until then.
I am pregnant now with my third child, and I must say that this is the first time that my hair is noticeably thicker and longer during pregnancy. This may or may not be due to the fact that I'm carrying my first son. I heard all the "old wives" tales when pregnant with my daughters that girls "steal your beauty" and that's why my hair and skin looked jacked up! This pregnancy I am taking much better care of my hair (thanks to LHCF), which is the main reason why I see better results. I do anticipate that post-pregnancy shedding, though. Hopefully I'll be better prepared to handle it this time due to my recent active participation in healthy haircare practices.
well, that's one positive thing about being pregnant lol. All the physical changes... eesh! But I'm actually excited about having a baby someday.
i don't think hair grows fast, i think that it seems that way because it doesn't shed and no since on counting on that hair long term because it is going to shed like crazy post partum
Yes pregnancy had my skin glowing, and hair growing.... Someone once said that your circulation is better and attributes to growth....
My hair grew at a fast rate. It was healthy, longer and super shiny. But, after I stopped nursing, taking the vitamins, and got back into my old habits. It started breaking and falling out. I would attribute the health and growth to diet, exercise, vitamins and low maintenance. I was more focused on my health and caring for the baby than styling hair.
Hair has grown like a weed (and nails too) since the beginning of the year. It's insane. And thick as carpet.

On the one hand, I'm kinda looking forward to it thinning out a bit, BUT I know I will probably be crying when I see it fall out.
I had crazy beautiful hair when I was pregnant with my daughter's, but my son :nono:, not so much. It still grew when I was preggers with him, but I felt like a Breck girl with the girl's.:lachen:
Same thing with me. My hair was so long and healthy when pregnant with dd and I could style it anyway I liked. I got so many compliments. With ds my hair grew at it's natural rate. I believe he took my hair because he was born with a head full.