Hair growth (1 month) update (detailed)


New Member
Hi, it's that dude again. lol. :look:

I thought I would give you ladies an update on my growth. I have been using megatek now since July 27th, and it's now September 1st. I was going to do a month long update, but I forgot and now decided to do one at the first. I have also been taking 5000 mcg of biotin for 3.5 months (with a 2-3 week break from the vit last month.) My hair was buzzed to the head somewhere near January 20th and it's been SLLLOOWW growing until recently when my growth shot up, unless it's just a placebo effect, and my hair hasn't grown at all. I'm not sure if it has something to do with the megatek, the biotin or a mixture of the two. My hair has always grown slow, and I have been recovering from a life-long straightening accident I call my childhood.:ohwell: lol So in a since I have been going "natural" without accually going "natural" because I don't have typical 3c + black people's hair. I'm mixed and have looser curls that straighten easily into typical white people's hair.

Now this new growth has not been without problem I have had SERIOUS breakage at the crown, darn near to the scalp. I'm not exactly sure when this happened, but I checked my scalp with a double mirror last month and I have noticed that the entire area around my crown is pretty much non existent compared to the rest of my hair. I FEAR male-pattern baldness, but my mom who is a "white person" hair stylist swears up and down it's just breakage. My problem now is trying to grow it out and prevent it from ever happening again. I refuse to look like bozo the clown for the rest of my life.

My hair after the big buzz in jan-feb. Looks like typical short hair. Looks like their MIGHT be thinning in the temple area, but not sure because I've always had a big forehead. I started using biotin sometime around this time.


When I started using this forum, and when I started megatekking July 27th. My hair was pretty much at this length at this point. SLOW SLOW SLOW growth all that month. which was pretty much typical. notice how little my hair grew from January to July. That's it IN 6 MONTHS.


My hair now, Including the scary breakage in the back.


Shorter sparse hairs are evident compared to big loopy ones. My natural texture is tighter curled than this, I just picked it out with a comb.

In all reality. I don't see THAT big of a difference with the megatek. It is faint, but I personally see a problem with my hair in general. Such as the UBER thin texture of it all over my head. My hair is more loosely curly in the back than in the front, and of course my crown area is failing to thrive. My hair is way thicker than it used to be, so this is a big improvement, but there is still a problem. I think I'm going to have my thyroid levels checked, or something, because my hair is sparse in some spots, and Even at this length (which is clearly evident by the recent pictures) you can still see my scalp through the hair in some spots. Look at my pathetic attempt at side burns, see my problem?
I was about to asj why does she put a guy picture? .. yeah i saw the pics before reading xD
Yea bhj, I hear you on the Megatek. I also stop using it for the same reason.. I didnt see much of a difference. So what is your plan now?
Do you mind sharing your regular reggie and the other products you've been using?
Hi there! You mentioned your hair has thickened. What was your hair like before? I didn't see any possible bald spots based on your pics. Just thin strands, maybe. Do you have pix of the crown area?
Do you mind sharing your regular reggie and the other products you've been using?

Yea sure thing. I megatek every other day with an applicator bottle directly to the scalp NOT THE HAIR, but sometimes I get it in my hair because it's so short. I bought coconut oil (big round jar of it, kinda looks like clear jel) to put in my hair right after I put in the megatek, but I use it sparingly, because it really makes my hair greasy. I do this because the megatek I heard can cause protein overload. on day 2 I shampoo out my hair and megatek/oil again right after.


day1. shampoo/Megatek/ coco oil
day2. let it sit (shower without shampoo)
day3. shampoo/Megatek/ coco oil
day4. let it sit (shower without shampoo)
day5. shampoo/Megatek/ coco oil

ect ect, have been doing it for a month. sometimes I forget to oil my hair, but since my hair is almost white people's I just ignore it because I figured my hair has enough natural oil anyway.
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Hi there! You mentioned your hair has thickened. What was your hair like before? I didn't see any possible bald spots based on your pics. Just thin strands, maybe. Do you have pix of the crown area?

second pic from bottom, two big thin spots on the side of my head. :sad: I don't get it, normally men don't go bald on the sides of their head. My hair is just thin all over. Feels very very very fine. in the last pic you'll see the breakage of crown. Nope, I don't have any pictures of my crown before the ones I took today, because I never noticed the breakage before recently.
I think you should try a nice conditioner personally I would recommend "Lanza Healing Moisture Kukui Nut Conditioner" or if you can't find that around "Yes to Carrots Pampering Mud Conditioner" is nice too but you can always use cheapies like suave or some pantene possibly the "Hydrating Curls" from them but you should definitely cut out all the shampooing and just "cowash" (use conditioner and no shampoo) you can do that daily or just every other day like you used to when you shampooed.​
Your hair does look thin or fine which is more prone to breakage. I have a few questions, do you wear a hat or scarf frequently? Because I'm noticing that you are thinner on the sides, front and back where the cap would rub against your hair/skin. Also, do you have a moisturizing conditioner? A moisturizing conditioner after using Mega-tek. What kind of shampoo are you using? MT must be used on a clean head with no silicones or anything that will block the hair shaft from MT. I use a natural cleansing shampoo and that does the trick. A clarifying shampoo works as well. Or you could just add baking soda to your shampoo.

Just as a suggestion based on my experience you might want to try MT on your entire head one of those days. Leave it in for 10 minutes then wash out. Moisture (NO PROTEIN) condition for 15-20 minutes after. Now have you checked the ends of the hair that's falling out? If it has a white bulb on the end then that's shedded hair not breakage. If shedding is what you have you might want some garlic pills or garlic shampoo to combat shedding. Good Luck!
Your hair does look thin or fine which is more prone to breakage. I have a few questions, do you wear a hat or scarf frequently? Because I'm noticing that you are thinner on the sides, front and back where the cap would rub against your hair/skin. Also, do you have a moisturizing conditioner? A moisturizing conditioner after using Mega-tek. What kind of shampoo are you using? MT must be used on a clean head with no silicones or anything that will block the hair shaft from MT. I use a natural cleansing shampoo and that does the trick. A clarifying shampoo works as well. Or you could just add baking soda to your shampoo.

Just as a suggestion based on my experience you might want to try MT on your entire head one of those days. Leave it in for 10 minutes then wash out. Moisture (NO PROTEIN) condition for 15-20 minutes after. Now have you checked the ends of the hair that's falling out? If it has a white bulb on the end then that's shedded hair not breakage. If shedding is what you have you might want some garlic pills or garlic shampoo to combat shedding. Good Luck!

No I don't have a moisturizing conditioner. I figured the coconut oil would work. I am short on funds at the moment, so I will probably try the baking soda to the shampoo.

I used to wear hats all the time, but I stopped last year. I'm positive it's breakage because the hair at the crown if you feel it is rough and there is a patch about 2 to 3 inches across that is all choppy with long strands sticking out. Now besides the crown, (all of my hair) has been that thin since high school at least, which I see as a problem.
i knew that name looked familiar, just couldn't put my finger on it. welcome back.

the frequent shampooing could be causing dryness, which in turn is leading to the breakage, especially if you have a different texture at the crown (which is typical). i would replace the shampoo with a conditioner on days 3 and 5...i understand being broke because i just came off 4 years of it being in college, but aussie moist, herbal essences and VO5 are all great cowashing conditioners (and the aussie moist is a damn good deep conditioner as well). as a bonus, the conditioner will give you moisture but won't make your hair greasy like the EVCO can do.
Should I cut my hair? Or leave it aloe and let it grow out. My hair is a hot mess right now. Not attractive at all, all different lengths and such.
No I don't have a moisturizing conditioner. I figured the coconut oil would work. I am short on funds at the moment, so I will probably try the baking soda to the shampoo.

I used to wear hats all the time, but I stopped last year. I'm positive it's breakage because the hair at the crown if you feel it is rough and there is a patch about 2 to 3 inches across that is all choppy with long strands sticking out. Now besides the crown, (all of my hair) has been that thin since high school at least, which I see as a problem.

Try getting a cheapie conditioner from the dollar store and adding some coconut oil to it. I add castor oil to mine and my hair feels :lick: after. VO5 Nourishing is really good. Make sure there is no protein in it. Leave it in your hair for 15 minutes then rinse. That should combat the protein overload. You may want to add some warm heat to it so that it penetrates the shaft. Do you massage your scalp? Do you massage the MT onto your scalp? I do scalp massages frequently. My sister who suffers from Alopecia had bald spots until she started using MT. She leaves it in her hair. I sometimes leave it in my hair and just add coconut oil or castor oil.

Because your hair is fine you have to be careful which types of oils you use and how much. My sister is fine textured and she hates castor oil. But she loves Vatika oil which has coconut oil in it. Vatika oil is just ok to me. I won't be buying it again. I put Cocunut oil and olive oil in my hair the other day and I left a greasy spot when I layed down at the doctors office. :nono: Which to me is a sign that my hair did not absorb the oil or I put too much. Oh and my other sister with the alopecia also has a thyroid condition so you may want to check into that as well like you stated. Her hair is in the 2/3 texture range.
Should I cut my hair? Or leave it aloe and let it grow out. My hair is a hot mess right now. Not attractive at all, all different lengths and such.

I say let it grow and keep working with it. Even if it's to keep us at LHCF amused. I introduced Mega-Tek to my little brother a few months ago and his hair has grown and gotten thicker. Just be patient and consistent.

But then again do what's comfortable for you.
I agree with the sleeping on the satin case. This helps my hair retain so much more moisture. Plus it helped with the little pieces of hair I would always see in the regular cases. As far as products and reggie, I can say Ayurveda has worked wonders for my hair. Even if you don't jump on the whole oiling, mixing powders, teas, etc, I would suggest maybe trying one of the poo bars or one of the cleansing powders like Shikakai. They may be more gentle on your hair. I would also cut back on pooing so much. As far as cutting, I would only do that if you felt you had irreversible damage, otherwise I say no. If memory serves me correctly I think I mentioned Alma to you in your last thread because you wanted to increase your texture.
lol not again ladies,

OP your hair is looking good, I don't think you should cut it and start over unless you really find it unbearable
maybe give it another couple of months?
Yea, I think Ill not cut it. I just hope that the crown catches up with the rest. I'm trying to figure out medically why my hair grows so slow. It doesn't make sense.
Hey, OP. I think you may be concentrating too much on the external and not enough on the internal. One vitamin repeadtedly used in pills and conditioners and shampoo to make the hair strands thicker is Vitamin B. I know that people have suggested quite a few things for you to do, and that you are probably overwhelmed, but here's my take:

1. Definately get your overall health/thyroid checked just as you suspect.
2. Take a B vitamin or multivitamin with a high amount of B in it. "Nature Made" makes a good one and you can get them at Target or Walmart. Just take one daily.
3. Back off the shampoo. I repeat BACK AWAY FROM THE SHAMPOO. Because you are a male, and your hair is so fine I'm sure you want to shampoo everyday to keep the greasies at bay. However, if you are shampooing that frequently you really ought to be using a sulfate free formula. I've been doing some research for the past 3 weeks on sulfates to see if I should eliminate them from my stash. A lot of the sites dedicated to discontinuing the use of sulfate shampoo are male baldness sites. I'll look for some links to post for you. I'm still fact checking, but it appears that sulfates are potentially causally linked to hair loss.

Good luck though, and really, it's doesn't look as bad as you think. Your curls are cute.

Keep at it.