Hair gone wild.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys.

has anyone else, taking vitamins experienced accelerated new growth just weeks after a touch-up?

I just did a touch-up last week, and for the life of me I cant understand how is it, that I already have new growth (very
noticeably) fighting its way through my scalp?

I'm not complaining at all
. but I don't understand how my hair could be growing this fast.

am I the only one questioning this marvel?

feedback please!!!
Noticeable new growth in only one week?? Sounds suspicious to me..
(unless you are a Chia Pet!!
) Are you sure it's not just that your hair was underprocessed??
Lindy- No I don't think it was over processing. I made sure I left the relaxer in until I felt no ridges of new growth..

after I did a roller set it felt smooth, and had that flat/freshley relaxed look to it.

Isis- I've been taking the vitamins that are in my signature, for about 2 months now.

are any of you guys getting this reaction from your hair???

to tell you the truth, I think it's the msn. I started that one 1st for about 1 month. and my hair has been sprouting ever since.
This happens to me when I regularly take my One-a-Days. When I don't, my hair just lags along without spurting any growth.
Flame, thank you for posting this. I never mentioned it b/c I thought that it couldn't be possible. But seeing is believing. I take flaxseed oil capsules, biotin, soy tablets or a soy shake and a Centrum multi every day. I have noticed the same thing. My hair has always grown fast, but the hair growth I have experienced since July, when I started taking the vits and supplements, has been seriously accelerated.
Congrats on this growth spurt.
When I first began biotin and MSM, hair sprouted out of my head like nobody's business. After the next touchup, my hair was noticably longer. Afterwards, at the end of summer, the growth slowed down significantly so I stopped taking the supplements thinking that my body had been saturated so to speak. I just started taking them again yesterday so we'll see....