Hair getting longer but not thicker?


New Member
My hair is really thin, but there isn't too much damage to it I don't think. I thought that hair gets thicker before it gets longer, but mine is getting longer, but not thicker. Will my thickness catch up to my length or do I need to BC and start over?:ohwell: TIA
wow i'm definitely dealing with the same thing. my hair isn't damaged either, but i feel like it used to be thicker, and i don't want to have to continue this 80% relaxed....knowing full well that i like it bone straight :o. so far, i am getting my ends snipped to try to maintain a fairly blunt cut after every relaxer to allow my hair to even out and thicken up, and i'm trying my best to protect my ends as much as possible so i can see the growth...and i'm slowly seeing a difference.

I'm also trying to target the areas that seem to be shorter than other areas, i think it adds to the illusion of thinner ends. for example, i realized that, if i lift up my hair, the edges just behind my ears my ears, along my temple, and just above my nape, are not as thick as others (probably from wrapping) so i'm paying them special attn. Perhaps if you also discover some areas that are shorter/not as thick "underneath" you'll see reasons why your hair appears thinner.
I have this problem. My hair is thin as heck. And my layers do not make it any better. I'm gradually growing out my layers while gradually trimming into a blunt cut, which I think will camouflage my thin strands.
What is your natural hair texture, was you hair once thick? My hair has been fine all my life, but not thin. Is your hair all the same length, that makes it a bit thicker. Could it be overprocessing? or product buildup hiding the body in your hair? Can hair that is not naturally thick become thick?
My hair got thicker most likely due to a combination of the following:

1. Started stretching for long periods (5 months plus, prior to that I would do about 3 months).
2. Reducing heat - I used to get blowouts every week, but I moved onto only getting the roots blown. This has helped tremendously.
3. Started texturizing (slightly relaxing). For my fine hair, bone straight relaxers = overprocessed hair. I only need to relax the curl pattern, and let the heat do the rest if I want my hair straight. This does not work for everyone, and I must admit it is work, but it helps me retain my thickness.
4. Taking supplements: Biotin, Pantothentic Acid, and Amino Acids.
5. Doing cellophanes every 6 weeks.

I started all of these in my regimine over a year ago, and by last Fall, people were noticing how my hair was getting thicker. Not sure which contributed the most, but all seem to have been helpful. Also, in the meantime you can incorporate thickening shampoos (i.e. Nexxus Diametress). I don't even need it anymore, because my hair is as thick as I need it to be.

Thanks for the tips One. I'll definitely try those. Bajan, yes my hair used to be thick but it hasn't been since I was like 12. At that time, my mom didn't allow my stylist to cut my hair, but it never looked bad. I never thought about my hair having product build up making it look thinner. At this time, I am transitioning to texturized, but I haven't noticed much of a difference yet. I only have about 3 inches of texlax hair. Maybe I'm just too impatient to see it get thicker. Time will tell I suppose...
Wishin4BSL said:
Thanks for the tips One. I'll definitely try those. Bajan, yes my hair used to be thick but it hasn't been since I was like 12. At that time, my mom didn't allow my stylist to cut my hair, but it never looked bad. I never thought about my hair having product build up making it look thinner. At this time, I am transitioning to texturized, but I haven't noticed much of a difference yet. I only have about 3 inches of texlax hair. Maybe I'm just too impatient to see it get thicker. Time will tell I suppose...

Yeah, just give it some time to see if it really makes a difference for you. This time last year, 75% of my hair was bone straight, with puffy texturized roots. I just decided to ride it out, trim gradually, etc. Now, I may have about an inch left, if that. It takes TIME, PATIENCE, and GENTLE HANDS. BTW I rollerset to have a uniform texture.
Nobody can answer this question for you...You will have to decide yourself if you want to either chop your hair or to just retain the length and slowly work on the thickness. If it were my issue, i would DEFINITELY just work on the thickness slowly. Which means that instead of gaining length, you would just stay at your current length and continue to dust until your ends thicken. You must also find out what is thinning your hair out. It could be something you are doing, or using? Or not doing/using? Perhaps you can try a vitamin supplement?
I have noticed that since I started doing rollersets my hair appears fuller, even when the curls are gone. Blow dryers, curling irons and flat irons definitely contribute to thin hair. Maybe try eliminating those and roller setting to see if that helps...:)