"Hair-gasmic" Deep conditioning cocktail I just discovered!


New Member
Ok ladies, so there's been A LOT of talk around here about our good ol' friend Pantene R&N Breakage Defense Deep Conditioning Mask.

Well yesterday for my wash I decided to pick up some Nexxus Humectress conditioner ($14.99 at Rite Aid but this bonafide PJ will now spend any amount on fierce hair products... They know me by NAME at the BSS downtown Brooklyn, so I'm sometimes embarrassed to go to my new hang out more than 5x a week, lol. To me going to the BSS is now like going to the club! :drunk::yawn:).

I couldnt resist the temptation to only use the Nexxus for my moisturizing conditioner, Pantene's Mask kept staring at me and calling my name, so I just took some and mixed it in with my Humectress and deep conditioned for about 45-50 mins (fell asleep). Well let me tell you that the end result was LIKE A DREAM!! My hair is so moisturized and strong, it's CRAZY. I only did a SMALL amount of moisturizing/sealing today and then pin curled and finger combed and my hair was blowing in the wind, then going right back to my cool style (yes I wore my hair down today, couldnt resist - Sat or Sun is usually my hair down break day for the weekend). My hair has not released a SINGLE broken hair, just a shed here and there w/ bulbs and no breakage! Also it's very shiny and healthy, without that weighed down look or feel.

So I just wanted to run in here and spread the good news about something that I discovered which some of you may already do - and some may not. Gosh I swear I am ADDICTED to hair - well black hair care that is!:rolleyes: I have some pics, I'll put them up when I can find the stupid card reader for my camera (hidden under Christmas mess).
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Sounds really good I got the Pantene R&N Mask putting shoes on running out to the 24hr CVS to get Nexxus.......... :lachen:
Thanks for the tip, Foxie, because I jumped on the Nexxus Humectress bandwagon when I first joined the forum and bought a HUGE bottle. I've hated it since the 1st usage. I'll try it with the Pantene with the next wash. BTW, the Pantene Intensive Conditioner is the ish for co-washes!
Ok ladies, so there's been A LOT of talk around here about our good ol' friend Pantene R&N Breakage Defense Deep Conditioning Mask.

Well yesterday for my wash I decided to pick up some Nexxus Humectress conditioner ($14.99 at Rite Aid but this bonafide PJ will now spend any amount on fierce hair products... They know me by NAME at the BSS downtown Brooklyn, so I'm sometimes embarrassed to go to my new hang out more than 5x a week, lol. To me going to the BSS is now like going to the club! :drunk::yawn:).

I couldnt resist the temptation to only use the Nexxus for my moisturizing conditioner, Pantene's Mask kept staring at me and calling my name, so I just took some and mixed it in with my Humectress. Well let me tell you that the end result was LIKE A DREAM!! My hair is so moisturized and strong, it's CRAZY.

I hear you about the BSS and coincidentally i used this mix accidentally buy co-washing with humectress and then putting Pantene mask on my hair. I never fully rinse out my co-poo so when I put on the mask it was like WHAT???
I'm on some challenges right now- but Im gonna revisit it after late April for my first non ayurvedic test. I want to see how my hair will respond after it has gotten used to Shikakai and Amla. I strongly advise this mix especially if you are gonna wear your hair out.
Thanks for the tip, I have a liter of nexxus humectress and several jars of Pantene! I will be trying it this weekend!
Okay, I don't have the Nexxus humectress but I do have some suave humectant and the pantene r/n hair mask so I will be deep-conditioning with this mixture tomorrow and will post results afterwards. Perhaps when my 5lb tub of keracare humecto arrives, I will also try mixing the pantene r/n mask with that as well. I can't wait. Thank Foxie!
Dang, I got the R&N to replace the Humectress!!! I will not go buy Humectress, I am a student on a BUDGET... I am on a budget, I am on a budget, I am on a budget....
I must admit I jumped on the Pantene R&N Mask and I'm not coming off! I have finally completed my regimen and I'm so happy I found this product, I can hardly control myself :grin:

This stuff is the truth.
Yeah it was really a great idea!

I've never tried Keraphix although I saw it today at the BSS. I have so many products now I dont know what to do with them, lol. I saw the HUGE GALLON of Humectress today, and YOU KNOW it took EVERYTHING in me to not throw down the $35 dollars to get it, lol. I was mad as hell that they had NO MORE R&N Masks on the shelf, kept thinking to myself damn LHCF ladies! lol:lachen:

I agree for hair out styles it makes your hair feel very strong (even in this harsh NY windy winter air). I also clarified my hair before washing with Pantene Clarifying shampoo. Pantene products work very well with my hair. I used Salerm 21 and Aphogee Leave-in Conditioner before roller setting. My hair turned out looking like this:


These pics are post wash by 1 day, I pin curled and then let it loose and finger combed. I'm loving the strength of my hair, it just has a healthy look to it and these products make it light weight as I love wind blowing hair. I'm tellin you guys, mix these two with caution, you might go into HAIR WASHING WITHDRAWAL. I'm so psyched for my next wash, I just got my Macherieamour's Roller Setting Video, I am going to be aaaaaall set for my next wash, especially when my new hooded dryer comes for christmas.
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Yeah it was really a great idea!

I've never tried Keraphix although I saw it today at the BSS. I have so many products now I dont know what to do with them, lol. I saw the HUGE GALLON of Humectress today, and YOU KNOW it took EVERYTHING in me to not throw down the $35 dollars to get it, lol. I was mad as hell that they had NO MORE R&N Masks on the shelf, kept thinking to myself damn LHCF ladies! lol:lachen:

I agree for hair out styles it makes your hair feel very strong (even in this harsh NY windy winter air). I also clarified my hair before washing with Pantene Clarifying shampoo. Pantene products work very well with my hair. I used Salerm 21 and Aphogee Leave-in Conditioner before roller setting. My hair turned out looking like this:


These pics are post wash by 1 day, I pin curled and then let it loose and finger combed. I'm loving the strength of my hair, it just has a healthy look to it and these products make it light weight as I love wind blowing hair. I'm tellin you guys, mix these two with caution, you might go into HAIR WASHING WITHDRAWAL. I'm so psyched for my next wash, I just got my Macherieamour's Roller Setting Video, I am going to be aaaaaall set for my next wash, especially when my new hooded dryer comes for christmas.
Your hair looks beautiful and shiny too! Thanks for sharing your results. :up:
Thanks so much Isis!

I'm thinking to try my DC cocktail with oil rinsing on my next wash. I'm not sure if I'm going to make my 3 day apart washing cycle, lol.:nono::yawn:
Foxie....u are tooo funny! They know me at the BSS too so I try to alternate lol.

Thx for the heads up...I actually have the nexxus humectin so Im gonna try it with that. I think I like the humectin better than humectress but I havent tried humectress in a couple of years so I might have to try it again to see. I definitely love nexxus products though...I cant believe I still havent tried keraphix. I hear the heat protexx is great too. I have the pantene mask so next wash Ill mix the two and see. Your results came out very nice! You will have to take pics of your pin curls bc mine always come out very loose and Id love to get more of a curl like in your pics.

PS I get that hair blowing in the wind thing with nexxus all the time...love it! I love it when I get a swingy ponytail.
Okay it's time for me to give you ladies my update on the Pantene R/N mask and Suave humectant mix and all I can sya is this:


This is really awesome - my hair has soooo much slip and it is amazingly soft. This is just what my hair needed. Thanks again Foxie
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