hair FUNK


Well-Known Member
:perplexed.....not smell, but attitude.......

I have a dilemma – I’m in the midst of a hair FUNK – meaning I literally do not feel like doing ANYTHING to my hair!

My style regimen is pretty low manipulation- cornrows and wigs, but I don’t even feel like braiding up my hair right now. Me- the project junkie, me – the daily rinsing/CW girl, me- the deep con w/ heat girl, me – the moisturize, seal and baggie girl. I normally have a great routine that is working – but I’m just tired of fooling around with my hair – period!

Have you ever gotten into a MOOD where you do NOTHING to your hair?:perplexed If so, how long has it lasted, did it cause any damage and how did you SNAP out of it! :perplexed
I have had many of those moods:), but the longest hair funk mood for me lasted for 5 months:look: (October - February). I was in school and writing papers, plus working full time, so I wore a wig with just my front hairline out. My hair at the crown got thicker and it grew some, but the section that was damaged was my nape and two small sides in the front where I was cliping the wig down with bobby pins (so if you are opting for wigs watch out for that). But those areas are recovered now.

But I did get lots of compliments on the wig:yep:, no one knew it was a wig. It was a curly fro twist out looking piece that looked like my natural hair in a twist-out. I wore it so much, I went through two of them:blush:. I did wash and condition my hair and put in fat ugly plaits underneath.
I was so bad:blush:.

Hey, it happens sometimes, especially when you have other things going on:yep:.
I'm sorta in a hair funk now. I don't feel like having it loose and doing anything to it. I am keeping my hair in twists until whenever. I will make myself re-do them every 2 weeks though. I think this will be probably good for me cause there is less manipulation and it will still look presenatble. Try getting some braids or something. Hope this helps
Girl, YES!!! I'm still in one now, but dh made me kinda come out of it. For six months, I was very into my hair. Using Lenzi's Request every other day, washing and dc'ing once a week, moisturizing in the morning and baggying at night. Now, I wash my hair and plop it in a wet ponytail to dry.... Until the next wash day a week later (I'm a SAHM, so I can just stay home and look crazy!) No combing, no moisturizing, no nothing. Last night, dh MADE me baggy my hair
dh: You're gonna lose all your progress, you're hair is gonna dry up and fall out. Go over there right now and baggy your hair

me: I don't wanna

dh: fine, you can't get any more hair stuff until you start doing your hair again

me: :eek:

dh: I'm serious

me: FINE. I HATE YOU! *pouting*

So now, even though I don't wanna, I have to baggy my hair every night or I can't get my treats :lol:
I have had many of those moods:), but the longest hair funk mood for me lasted for 5 months:look: (October - February). I was in school and writing papers, plus working full time, so I wore a wig with just my front hairline out. My hair at the crown got thicker and it grew some, but the section that was damaged was my nape and two small sides in the front where I was cliping the wig down with bobby pins (so if you are opting for wigs watch out for that). But those areas are recovered now.

But I did get lots of compliments on the wig:yep:, no one knew it was a wig. It was a curly fro twist out looking piece that looked like my natural hair in a twist-out. I wore it so much, I went through two of them:blush:. I did wash and condition my hair and put in fat ugly plaits underneath.
I was so bad:blush:.

Hey, it happens sometimes, especially when you have other things going on:yep:.

Thanks Twisties,

I wash my hair this morning and barely put it in one big, uneven french braid - I just don't feel this doing anything to my hair!:ohwell:

I wear wigs without combs daily - so my hair looks fine to the outside world, but I know what's underneath. :wallbash:

The thing is, I'm not busy or stressed out this is strictly a HAIR thing. I lieterally wore a shower cap all weekend because I did not want to "do" my hair.
I'm sorta in a hair funk now. I don't feel like having it loose and doing anything to it. I am keeping my hair in twists until whenever. I will make myself re-do them every 2 weeks though. I think this will be probably good for me cause there is less manipulation and it will still look presenatble. Try getting some braids or something. Hope this helps

Hi Natstar, I will seriously considering a set of braids to push me thru! :rolleyes:
Girl, YES!!! I'm still in one now, but dh made me kinda come out of it. For six months, I was very into my hair. Using Lenzi's Request every other day, washing and dc'ing once a week, moisturizing in the morning and baggying at night. Now, I wash my hair and plop it in a wet ponytail to dry.... Until the next wash day a week later (I'm a SAHM, so I can just stay home and look crazy!) No combing, no moisturizing, no nothing. Last night, dh MADE me baggy my hair
dh: You're gonna lose all your progress, you're hair is gonna dry up and fall out. Go over there right now and baggy your hair

me: I don't wanna

dh: fine, you can't get any more hair stuff until you start doing your hair again

me: :eek:

dh: I'm serious

me: FINE. I HATE YOU! *pouting*

So now, even though I don't wanna, I have to baggy my hair every night or I can't get my treats :lol:


This sounds like true love to me - a man would encourages his woman to wear a baggie! :grin:

Maybe I should just allow myself a little break - declare SEPTEMBER as my slack off month.:wallbash: I have even stop taking my vitamins which I've taken faithfully for over a year now!:wallbash:

What's your next hair treat????
Hey CD! I know exactly how you feel. I suggest cruising photo albums, looking at your own hair pics, and taking some pictures of your hair. This might help you to re-focus on your goals and get excited about trying something new or returning to the tried and true regimen.

We have a similar routine (I'm wigging it until November at the very least) and I just re-braided my plaits after leaving the same set in for about three weeks. Looking at pics and thinking about the potential loss of progress motivated me to get back on the right track. HHG!
I've found that when I stop thinking about it so much and leave my hair alone, it grows faster. I'm a WnG girl but sometimes I'll just wet it enough to pull it back in a loose bun or wear my air dry for 3 days, applying a leave-in or something before bed and say so what if I look like Carrot Top, I'm chillin and so is my hair! This is what I do basically all summer every summer and I've had good results and little to no damage; just may have to dust the ends a bit. I've worn my hair straight/rollerset only two weeks total since May and my hair has flourished. All this yapping to say it's okay to be in a funk c/b just what you and your hair needs :grin: Cold weather usually snaps me out of it, when I can't air dry w/o ice forming on the ends so I know it's time to get busy.
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Hi CD, I totally understand. It sounds like you have a great routine for your hair that you do over and over again. So sometimes one just gets a little tired. That's ok. You will come out of the funk, you just need your hair down time.

You have been a inspiration and a motivator on the board, especially with the Wig Challenge. I was happy to see that challenge because I felt alone wearing my half wig to help my growth.

I have my days too, so hang in there, this period will pass.:yep:
Girl, YES!!! I'm still in one now, but dh made me kinda come out of it. For six months, I was very into my hair. Using Lenzi's Request every other day, washing and dc'ing once a week, moisturizing in the morning and baggying at night. Now, I wash my hair and plop it in a wet ponytail to dry.... Until the next wash day a week later (I'm a SAHM, so I can just stay home and look crazy!) No combing, no moisturizing, no nothing. Last night, dh MADE me baggy my hair
dh: You're gonna lose all your progress, you're hair is gonna dry up and fall out. Go over there right now and baggy your hair

me: I don't wanna

dh: fine, you can't get any more hair stuff until you start doing your hair again

me: :eek:

dh: I'm serious

me: FINE. I HATE YOU! *pouting*

So now, even though I don't wanna, I have to baggy my hair every night or I can't get my treats :lol:

that convo sounds like me and my SO. except mine is standing at the foot of the bed with the moisturizers and silk scarf in hand. LOL
Girl, YES!!! I'm still in one now, but dh made me kinda come out of it. For six months, I was very into my hair. Using Lenzi's Request every other day, washing and dc'ing once a week, moisturizing in the morning and baggying at night. Now, I wash my hair and plop it in a wet ponytail to dry.... Until the next wash day a week later (I'm a SAHM, so I can just stay home and look crazy!) No combing, no moisturizing, no nothing. Last night, dh MADE me baggy my hair
dh: You're gonna lose all your progress, you're hair is gonna dry up and fall out. Go over there right now and baggy your hair

me: I don't wanna

dh: fine, you can't get any more hair stuff until you start doing your hair again

me: :eek:

dh: I'm serious

me: FINE. I HATE YOU! *pouting*

So now, even though I don't wanna, I have to baggy my hair every night or I can't get my treats :lol:

:lachen::lachen:What a cute story. You better behave then:lachen:

This thread caught my eye because I just do not feel like doing my hair. I had a routine of daily pooing with my braids and that doesn't work with my hair being out of the braids. I am not cut out for the soggy bun every day but my scalp loves the daily pooing so I'll have to come up with something that works. :drunk:
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Last night, dh MADE me baggy my hair
dh: You're gonna lose all your progress, you're hair is gonna dry up and fall out. Go over there right now and baggy your hair

me: I don't wanna

dh: fine, you can't get any more hair stuff until you start doing your hair again

me: :eek:

dh: I'm serious

me: FINE. I HATE YOU! *pouting*:lol:

OK .. how funny and cute is it that you DH actually cares about your regimen and makes you stick to it! Sounds like you have a keeper there.

Oh ... and I get to the point where I don't want to do anything to my hair, but then I snap out of it when I visualize all of my progress going down the drain.