Hair Formula 37???


New Member
Has any one heard of/used this and if so, what have you heard and/or what were the results? Also, is there any truth to their reasoning of the rate of black hair growth?

This is an excerpt from their webpage. (Sorry but I could not copy the link):

Why does african american hair grow slowly?
Faster hair growth with Hair Formula 37

If you're concerned about your hair growing too slowly you are in the right place. It is true that African American hair grows slower than other races. You can remedy that with Hair Formula 37. HF37 is specially formulated to give your hair the nutrients it needs to grow healthier and faster! It is especially beneficial to African American hair in that it adds the amino acids essential for fast, healthy African american hair growth.
African american hair has a higher cuticle to cortex ratio than any other hair type. The cuticle layer in most African Americans is approx. 14 layers thick. This is twice that of whites (7 layers). The hair is almost all protein. Protein is made of amino acids. African american hair demands a large amount of amino acids (protein.) Again, twice as much as the rest of the population (there are exceptions).
There are many "Hair Vitamins" on the market today which are good ones. However, we challenge you to compare the ingredients of Hair Formula 37™ hair Supplements against ANY OTHER HAIR PRODUCT. You won't find a supplement that contains a two step program with not only a vitamin step, but also a full range of amino acids to aid the rate of growth by adding 4,200mg of amino acids daily.
See the ingredients in Hair Formula 37
I read that on the site as well. I was shocked that they said that A.A. hair grows slower than other races. I thought that was a myth. It can get confusing because since many A.A.'s have highly textured hair, the growth in a month looks less than that of whites but when pressed out, it could be the same length. Right now my natural hair looks like it's only 2 inches long but in actuality it's about 6+ inches when blow-dried.

I would like to know where they got that info that A.A. hair grows slower. I wonder if they have in depth scientific research that concludes that.
