Hair formula 37 hair growth vitamins!


I noticed that I was almost out of my Treasured Locks H2G hair growth vitamins (three day supply left). I absolutely love TL H2G vitamins, I've been taking them a year and a half now.... But I must admit that I am a product junkie... and a fool for anything that claims to grow the hair. So anyway, I googled "best hair growth vitamins," and I noticed this site instantly called Hair Formula 37.. so I clicked on it.

These vitamins comes in 2 steps. Step 1 info reads as follows:

Hair Formula 37 Step One is the vitamin and mineral component of the HF37 program. This supplemetn is designed to give the body the essential nutrients for faster growing, healthier hair. It is recommended that Step One be taken along with Step Two (amino acids).

Price: $24.99/ 30 day supply


Dosage: 2 tablets - Dosage per container: 30

Niacin 70mg, Folic Acid 800mcg, Vitamin B-12 12mcg, Biotin 200mcg, Pantothenic Acid 200mg, Iron 4mg, Iodine 300mcg, Zinc 30mg, Manganese 10mg, Choline 1000mg, Inositol 250mg, Para Amino Benzoic Acid 60mg


Take two (2) Step One tablets with food
So you could take one with lunch and one with dinner, or any other way that is most convenient for you that will lead to two Step One tablets being taken per day with food.

Step 2 reads as follows:

Hair Formula 37 Step Two is the amino acid component of the HF37 program. This supplement is designed to give the body the essential nutrients for faster growing, healthier hair. It is recommended that Step Two be taken along with Step One (vitamins, minerals).

Price: $24.99/ 30 day supply


Dosage: 6 tablets - Dosage per container: 15
L-Isoleucine 203mg, L-Leucine 502mg, L-Lysine 436mg, L-Methionine 95mg, L-Phenylalanine 124mg, L-Threonine 188mg, L-Tryptophan 95mg, L-Valine 155mg, L-Aspartic Acid 429mg, L-Serine 137mg, L-Glutamic Acid 661mg, L-Proline 178mg, L-Glycine 68mg, L-Alanine 228mg, L-Cystine 380mg, L-Tyrosine 144mg, L-Histidine 79mg,
L-Arginine 98mg


Take six (6) Step Two tablets without food
The ideal plan here is two in the morning, two in the afternoon, and two in the evening.

And they have a recommended herbal supplement that is suppose to boost the growth rate... ingredients listed below:

Hair Formula 37 Herbal Booster is an add on for the HF37 program. This supplement is designed to give the body the essential nutrients for faster growing, healthier hair. It is recommended that the Herbal Booster be taken along with Step One and Step Two.

Price: $19.99/ 30 day supply


Herbal Booster - Dosage: 2 tablets - Dosage per container: 30
Proprietary Herbal Blend 50 mg (Nettle, Rosemary, Burdock, Birch, Rose Hips, Irish Moss, Coltsfoot, Dandelion, Yellow Dock, Elder Flowers, Shave Grass , Horsetail)

FoTi 50mg, Vitamin A 2000IU, Vitamin B-12 20mcg, Pantothenic Acid 20mg, Folic Acid 200mcg, Biotin 100mcg, Niacinamide 20mg, L-Cysteine 40mg, Choline 20mg, Inositol 20mg, Linoleic Acid 20mg, Calcium 50mg, Copper 4mg, Selenium 40mcg, Manganese 10mg, Zinc 10mg, Iodine 100mcg, Tumeric 10mg


Take two (2) Herbal Booster tablets
The HF37 Herbal Booster is simply a specialized add on formula designed to work in conjunction with Step One and Step Two. It contains even more botanicals, vitamins, and minerals reputed to help promote healthy hair growth.

The best part about it is they have a 45 day money back guarantee plan! I am certainly up for the challenge!

If anyone is currently taking these or have in the pass... or know someone who have taken these vitamins, please reply...

I'm about to place my order now! I'll tell y'all all about it!

**Covered Jewel**
Hello :wave:

I took these a while back and I do not recall any significant growth from it which was probably my fault as I was not consistant with it at all. I do remember not liking HF37 because it was just too may pills to take. And them suckas was huge:nono: It was just too much and got to be too expensive in the end.

I hope you have good luch with them though:grin:
I've taken them and I was quite pleased. Quite. The price was definitely a deterrent - and the number of pills I had to take got quite tiring.

I would recommend them. I think you'll be pleased. I did not officially track my progress, but I know my hair was growing faster and thicker and didn't shed as much - which was my whole goal.