Hair Formula 37 for Hair Growth

I have never post a comment or reply before I usually just read, but when I came across this question I had to put my two cents in!!!:grin:

Hair Formula have given me incerdible growth, it was just amazing ! My family was astonished (all the ladies on my mother's side of the family have short hair.....REALLY SHORT). I wish I had pic:perplexed but I went from neck length to grazing shoulder within 3 months.

I havent been using it anymore because of the price, it was hurting my pocket. :ohwell: I am now going to try Fast grow, the same place that sells Hair formula 37 said that you will get the same results from both, but you will also get shine to your hair with the Fast grow because of the amino acids. The fast grow is also geared towards hair that has chemical in it. The cost of fast grow is $20 and hair 37 is $50.

How that helps!!!!:)