HAIR EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Okay my LHCF sisters, I have a pressing question. I have a conference tomorrow that I HAVE to present at and LOOK fly. Long story short I just haven't been able to go to the salon, my stylist had an emergency and couldn't come in (her heat or something) and no other salons were able to take me in.

SOOO, I have some kind of rinse in my hair that only covers gray (I'm prematurely gray). It was supposed to be brown it came out red. So I need to make my hair black (my natural hair color is black and gray). I need to do this alone, I'll have about 5.5 hours to do my hair.

When/where can I go to buy color for my hair? Should I get a rinse? Dye? I need something that won't damage my hair at all...but will get it black.

I'm about to leave to go buy it at 3:30, so any help would be wonderful! thank you so much!
Oh my goodness! Well, I will definitely say this...get a RINSE and NOT DYE! Black dye can be almost as harsh as bleaching (according to my stylist that colors my hair), and given that you are doing this yourself, I would definitely not go the jet black permanent dye route.

Doesn't Sebastian's make good rinses? I'm sure some one here will have a good recommendation.

Good luck and I'll keep you in my thoughts!!!
Dang that sucks, I know how you're feeling cause that's happened to me before. I'd say go with a rinse...unless you absolutly know what you're doing, I wouldn't suggest putting a permanent color in your hair. I think Jazzin/Jazzing is a rinse. Just make sure the bottle doesn't say Semi-permanent or Permanent Color.
agreed on getting a rinse/ temporary color ... you can get one at a beauty supply store, drug store, or in some cases grocery store

Jazzing - can be found at sally's
Adore - can be found in beauty supply stores and is inexpensive
Roux Fanci Full - can be found in drug stores and grocery stores.
Definitely go with a rinse. Try Sebastians or Beautiful Collections. This should work just fine with a good deep conditioner.
Go with a rinse... Jazzin is a rinse... make sure you DC and you should be good to go!

I dont know how resiliant your grey is but that should cover it..if it doesnt, i would just embrace your gray and do a fly style because seeing how you recently dyed your hair, i really wanted suggest doing anything more than a rinse for a while.