Hair & Eczema - Any Connection


Hello everyone,

I am looking for some ideas tips etc.

I have been natural for over 15 years most of that time my hair has been in twists. Over these years my hair has not grown pass my shoulder, it suffers from continuous breakage. This hair has been treated so gently, and I have tried so many different ideas that I have found on this site over the last 10 years.

One thing I am currently researching ‘could my hair breakage could be related to my eczema which I have had since I was a baby. Specifically to the use of topical steroid, which I have used sporadically but regularly over the years. I am now 48 so topical steroids have been a part of my life for a while.

Do other eczema/steroid sufferers have similar problems.

I treat my DD's hair (who has eczema) like glass. I use better products on her hair than I do on mine. I still can't get her past SL. I really hope this thread takes off.
I tend to firget my eczema has kept my hair short or contribute to lack of retention. Im finally floating around cbl now.

Are you ladies' hair fine too?

Tea rinsed have really kept it under control. Also really restricting ptoducts and finding out what irritates my scalp and make it worse.
I haven't been diagnosed with eczema or psoriasis but I know I have one or the other happening with my scalp. My scalp would get really dry and flaky/scaly for no apparent reason, especially towards the front edges... and it proceeded to my forehead. It was really gross looking.

I started with a little bit of apple cider vinegar in my tea rinses. I have done tea rinses with black, green, nettle (which was the best for softness), peppermint, fenugreek, oolong, hibiscus, neem (not tea but the leaves), yucca (not tea but the actual root - it was for gentle cleaning), white and a few others I can't think of right now... The tea rinsing was to counter the effects of harsh shampoos.

Between shampooing and styling products at the hair dressers' my scalp was just randomly flaring up. Shampooing less (I only do it once a month now if that), conditioner washing with very light conditioners that don't have harsh chemicals (VO5 - not all natural but it does well on cleaning and hydrating my hair), tea rinsing with a little acv included (I did it more when I was shampooing) and using more natural ingredients when deep conditioning/leaving things on my hair/scalp have definitely been things that help. The past year or so I've stopped using chemical-laden deep conditioners and products that are going to stay on my hair/scalp for a long period of time. I think that was part of it too.

Edit to add that my face had patches like this also... I did a combo of drinking more water and mixing my own calcium bentonite clay masks at home and trying out different light oils as moisturizers. I tried applying the clay to my scalp but it made my hair dry... unsure if it helped my scalp or not since my scalp is pretty balanced now.
Thank you ladies for your response and interest.

I actually don't have eczema in my hair just on my arms, torso and legs. But thought dry skin could also mean dry hair would kinda of make sense. If I solved the eczema would my hair problems be solved also.

Thank you ladies for your response and interest.

I actually don't have eczema in my hair just on my arms, torso and legs. But thought dry skin could also mean dry hair would kinda of make sense. If I solved the eczema would my hair problems be solved also.

My DD has the same situation--body eczema but not in her scalp. I still wonder if it affects her hair.