Hair dry and breakage - please help


New Member
My hair was dyed (the top is dyed, back natural color) a day or two after Easter, mostly a month after touch up. My hair was beautiful, healthy and strong. Even one of my beauticians (yes still looking for the one) was singing my praises. I saw how this lady hair came out on my block done by this guy and decided to let him do my touch up which was about two months ago. This means altogether my relaxer was stretched about three months before touch up. I do my normal deep condition every week, protein/light protein when needed. Again had no problems with my hair.

I went to him a week before for a consulation to show him all the new growth and explain my hair situation. I did not get my roots blown out so it was clear where I needed a relaxer. I did not wrap or moisture my hair so I ran out to get a wash n set and had the roots blown. So when he relaxed I don't think he did far enough.

The 1st problem - I told him to base my scalp and asked did he have a hair protector. I could have ran to the BSS across the street to get one. He end up doing neither. I thought he was about to base my scalp but was applying relaxer Revlon, my choice - used it twice prior. My scalp was burning. The next week I decided to wash my hair and had scalp burns. I called him a few days before that to tell him. It did not come out when I washed so called him again for him to rectify. I think it was took late. The front of my hair on the side was not washed out properly those causing edges to break. He gave me a deep cond with Alter Ego. Its crazy because in terms of wash n set I loved him.

My hair has not been the same and am suffering because of it. Although he gave me a free wash I refuse to go back to him. My beloved Nexxus I don't think is doing that well for me. What should I do/try? I need something to moisture my new growth. I feel like the con is just sitting on my hair not penetrating. I want to stretch for another month before relax.

I would like to try something this week. My hair is dry and breaking. Its weird because if you look at my hair (depending on the day) you would think it looks good, but I know better.

BTW - I don't think my hair like coco oil. Maybe I'm not using well.
I'm so sorry this happened to you! I'm still new to this myself ,but hopefully some of the more experienced ladies will chime in with some good advice. Keep your chin up!
Is the breakage at the line of demarcation (I ask thiy because you say you think he did not relax all the new growth?)

If so, I think you would have to wait a bit and then do a corrective. If you can wait to 5 to 6 weeks at least before doing a corective that would be best.

In the mean time, you should try to protective style and do very little manipulation.

Have you checked to see what it is your hair needs? Is it moisture or protein? Alot of the time our moisture/protein balance is off.

Good luck and I am sureit will turn out ok
It seems like it is more of a moisture thing. I probably can use a protein and that will be okay. I will use a chelating poo n emergencee by nexxus to see if it helps next week and see what happens in terms of the breakage. Right now what are the suggestions to making my roots more managable? I need something that will absorb in my hair and not just sit on top. It has been about 8 weeks since last relaxer and was hoping for 4 more so hair is nicely conditioned and had time to recoup.

You know I didn't think about the demarcation line until now. Perhaps that is where he should have relaxed. What conditioner is best for new growth? When I don't do anything to my hair it gets dry which cause breakage. I also need a good moisturizing creme to use as a daily moisturizer. I tried ORS and hate it. Maybe I got a bad bottle.

Thanks for suggestions. I would like to get this together by friday.
Bumping for help. What are people using to soften their new growth? What conditioner can I use to penetrate my dry hair?
I would maybe try castor oil. I think some say its not penetrating but it has worked for me and softened my 15 week post newgrowth tremendously. HTH
Thanks for replying. How do you use it. Do you put it on before washing your hair? I see a lot of people use castor oil but don't really know the context in which they use it. I can do a search. I also would like to get some jojoba oil. What are the prices of these oils?
Wow I can't believe with the amounts of people who say they stretch their relaxer on this board only three replied to me. I thought that was the purpose of this site. Are their clicks on this board? Do you only get response if your hair is down your back or natural? Yes, I am a little annoyed because I notice that the same people always get a response on their threads. I have bumped this a few times in 12 hours and three respond. I barely ask questions on the hair forum because of this problem but was hoping that the ladies that stretch would at least chime in.

Perhaps I should start a new thread asking if people think it is clicks on the thread.
Wow I can't believe with the amounts of people who say they stretch their relaxer on this board only three replied to me. I thought that was the purpose of this site. Are their clicks on this board? Do you only get response if your hair is down your back or natural? Yes, I am a little annoyed because I notice that the same people always get a response on their threads. I have bumped this a few times in 12 hours and three respond. I barely ask questions on the hair forum because of this problem but was hoping that the ladies that stretch would at least chime in.

Perhaps I should start a new thread asking if people think it is clicks on the thread.

It may be that people aren't posting because you're asking a pretty common question.

There are lots of threads about conditioners to soften the new growth and stretching techniques. Try searching for the stretcher's support thread, the long term stretcher's challenge, how to soften new growth (there are several threads with that or a similar title), how to deal with the new growth, and other terms. I use google to search personally, just add site:longhaircareforum after your search term (ex: stretchers

What conditioners do you have on hand?
I have actually been asking questions based on other threads people starting over the past few days. I still got little to no response. I tried the pre poo on Monday and it did not work. I posted my experience with no response.

I have the new humectess (not too sure about this one) I used it on monday. Organix shea butter, emergencee, normally have keraphix, apretadora but has petrolatum and lanoline in it so stpped using. it is supposed to be a pre poo, just didnt give it away yet. V05 passion fruit w/ soy protein moisturizing cond, and Agree got from $1 store says 3 minute intensive cond, I normally mix and put as pre poo if in fact I do this step. Oh I forgot got2b so smooth. I used to love this and now it don't seem to work the same.
I have actually been asking questions based on other threads people starting over the past few days. I still got little to no response. I tried the pre poo on Monday and it did not work. I posted my experience with no response.

I have the new humectess (not too sure about this one) I used it on monday. Organix shea butter, emergencee, normally have keraphix, apretadora but has petrolatum and lanoline in it so stpped using. it is supposed to be a pre poo, just didnt give it away yet. V05 passion fruit w/ soy protein moisturizing cond, and Agree got from $1 store says 3 minute intensive cond, I normally mix and put as pre poo if in fact I do this step. Oh I forgot got2b so smooth. I used to love this and now it don't seem to work the same.

Sometimes, folks don't respond. It happens. There's really no rhyme or reason to it. Anyway, you can find lots of product suggestions in other threads, that's for sure.

As far as what you have on hand, I haven't used any of them. I will say that you should clarify, if you haven't already, just to make sure you don't have any build up.

Personally, I find that I need penetrating conditioners that have good oils in them. I don't know what's in humectress but I know some people love it. I would try using that after you clarify and add in some coconut oil to it. Some people can't use coconut oil on their hair straight but find that it works well with their conditioner. It's the most penetrating natural oil so it should help.

Make sure that you liberally apply the conditioner to your new growth. Do it section by section. And either sit with a cap on for a while (at least 30mins) or use heat (which I don't do, but you could try it).
Thanks I don't use any of them either beside the nexxus so am willing to experiment with something new. I will cheleat or clearify to see if that helps. I am going to give silk elements a try and probably aphoghee 2 minute. When I used aphoghee my self it didn't do well but when took to beauty parlour and it came out nice. I will search threads again but know a lot of people talk about coco oil which I don't think my hair likes. In general had good results with nexxus but not sure about this new humectress but will keep keraphix on hand if aphoghee don't work well. After emergencee is over I would like to try mega tek. I noticed that I kept my pjism done lately and hope that this new search don't start it up again. I will get no more than two products lol!

The biggest concern is that the conditioner is not penetrating my hair including the roots. I feel like it just sits on top so was looking for suggestions on both issues.
The biggest concern is that the conditioner is not penetrating my hair including the roots. I feel like it just sits on top so was looking for suggestions on both issues.

Well, you should definitely look at researching ingredients so that you can figure out which products will do what you want. Hydrolyzed proteins are small enough to penetrate the strand, but depending on which one it is it can be moisturizing or strengthening. Coconut, olive, and avocado oils can all penetrate. Other ingredients like silicones, polymers, polyquats, and ceramides provide different benefits.