Hair dreams/nightmares


Well-Known Member
Have you ever had a hair dream or nightmare? Please share!


Here is mine: A few days ago I had a dream that I relaxed my hair. Some of you may know I have been seriously thinking of doing so. In my dream I had a TWA like I do now. But after I relaxed my hair I had nice thick shoulder length hair. I wanted to pu tmy hair in a pony tail so I took a comb and started coming my hair back. Everytime I passed the comb through my hair I took out chunks of hair! By the end of the dream I was straight bald! Like shiny Mr. Clean bald!

I feel like dreams try to tell you things....I DON'T THINK I'LL BE RELAXING MY HAIR.
Girl this thread came right on time cause I had the craziest dream last night....

First, I would like to say everytime I wear my retainer at night I have really off the wall dreams...I'm beginning to suspect my orthodontist has laced the sprinkly part of my retainer with LSD...I will take this up with him at my 6 mth checkup....anywhu... So last night I dreamed I finally flat-ironed my hair (I haven't done this since I became natural so it was a big deal in the dream)....I could not wait to show my SO cause my hair was so silky and bouncy and even longer than I could imagine...well I decided to put my satin cap on and when I saw him I was going to pull it off and be all like " BOW DAW" ...think Garnier Fructis commercial....well when he came home he brought two of his friends and their girlfriends with him...I was even more excited cause now I had an audience and I was so ready for the applause...I take the satin bonnet off and my hair comes out all head and shoulders commercial perfect and I look over at the girls and these heifers have the audacity to be looking at me with the side know the look Martin use to give Gina when he didn't believe what she was saying...and I was all like yeah chicks this all mine...Weave Check me if you don't believe it...okay why I had to say that? Those FABs were all in my head...but the crazy part is I had more tracks in my head then a New York Subway...I was so DONE..I don't even know how those things got there I tell you....I will not be sleeping with that damn retainer in tonight though

Also in conjuction with the LSD laced retainer, I blame Jamaicalovely and her DH for manifesting this hair never being longer than your weave ideaology in my subconcious...'preciate cha!
Omg... I had a hair dream the other night but I can't remember it to save my life. :(
Maybe I'll have another one tonight since I'm thinking about it. I tend to have sequence dreams frequently so maybe I will catch the 2nd (or could be 4th, 5th, or 6th) part tonight and hopefully have something to share tomorrow!
I love reading about dreams.
a few months ago i had a nightmare this random girl in a salon flat ironed my hair...and i couldnt get out the chair...and i was like "are u using heat protectant?" && she was like "what is that??" =/
I had a dream in June that I was unbraiding my hair and it was all coily from being braided. I stretched one of the coils and it stretched mad long so I thought that maybe I grabbed a braid with extensions. So, I grabbed a loose section and it stretched loosely to tailbone length and could have gone a bit longer. I was startled!!!

Now, I can't say that was a bad dream but it scared the heck outta me at the time. :look: Looking back, I think it was a great dream that suggests no limits to growth. :lick:
I had the weirdest hair dream last night! I was at a Beyonce concert with two random guys and I was applying some mascara and flat ironing my hair in the audience and it was soooo long. I didn't get to see how long it was in the dream since I was sitting down, but when I leaned over to get something I dropped from under my seat, my hair was almost touching the ground. It was so random and weird! But I'm definitely boosted about it! I'll take it though! Hair almost touching the floor from the side is below waist length on me and since I have layers, that means the hair in the back would definitely be hip length (yes, I checked on my desk chair.... lol). Exciting!
Weird... I had my first hair dream ever last night. I cut my hair to about ear lenght 2 months ago and my hair has been thriving ever since, it is now at the bottom of my neck and soooo healthy. In my dream I took my bun down and my hair landed below my bra strap(which is my goal). I was so shocked that... I couldn't believe it. I kept looking in the mirror and running my fingers through my beautiful locks. I ran to get my camera to take a picture to post on LHCF and show how my hard work had paid off. For some odd reason I couldn't get a good shot my hair. That dream felt so darn real!!! My goal seems so much more achievable now. I guess sometimes all it takes is a vision...

Last night I had a dream where my hair was knee length at its longest layer, but it was annoying because I kept sitting on my hair and it was getting tangled in everything (probably flashbacks, lol, when I was a little girl I had long hair and it always got caught in the screws of the chairs at school). I walked around with a Tangle Teezer constantly detangling my hair b/c it was getting caught in everything. So, I was going to have a boy braid my hair for me in one long braid, but he didn't know how to braid hair...then I started showing him how to braid hair on a wig that had hair similar to mine.

I have no idea what this meant.
I've had several. One where I woke up w/ hair that was easily BSL, i was so happy I was just swinging that hair

And then I've had some nightmares, most recently a couple nights ago, where I dreamed that therewere patches of scalp w/ no hair