Hair dreams.. do you have them? Here's mine!


Well-Known Member
All week long I have been waiting for Friday to come so I can try my sample bottle of Pourosity Control.
I had a nightmare last night! lol I dreamt that the small sample bottle of Pourosity Control that I bought to try was all but used up when I went to put it on my hair. I actually woke up and just HAD to look in the shower and open the bottle to make sure this stuff that I have been reading reviews about was still in the bottle!:lachen:

Have ya'll had any "hair" dreams???
I had a good one the other night.

I've been taking Diatomaceous Earth, so I'm constantly lifting the weft of my weave install to see if my hair is growing faster than usual.

It's a bit obsessive, but I had a dream that I lifted it and measured 4 inches! :blush: I only hope that's an omen :grin:
I'm a long term transitioner and lately, I've been dreaming that I BC and end up with a Big Afro. :afro: I still don't plan to BC anytime soon but I can't wait until I'm able to rock a BAA.:look::yep:
I have been having reocurring dreams on and off that I finally took out my braids and my hair was actually longer then the braids which are mid back! The braids I mean. My actual hair now is only right below my neck! :lick:
The other night, I actually dreamed I was BSL. Not a hair or two- full BSL. I was so disappointed when I woke up and realized it was a dream.
One time I had a dream that I was co-washing my hair and my hair was full Hip Length :cloud9: at the time that I dreamed this I was still BSB, so I was like :yay: :yay: :yay: In the dream I was thinking how I couldn't wait to tell DH, but then I was like Wait, he doesn't care, let me go get on LHCF!!!!
One time I had a dream that I was co-washing my hair and my hair was full Hip Length :cloud9: at the time that I dreamed this I was still BSB, so I was like :yay: :yay: :yay: In the dream I was thinking how I couldn't wait to tell DH, but then I was like Wait, he doesn't care, let me go get on LHCF!!!!

DH doesn't care! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Ladies, I dreamt just before I started my hair journey in June/July 2008 that my hair was APL. By October, I WAS APL!
Dream come through.

Now for WL dreams, PLEASE :rolleyes::yep::rolleyes:
you just reminded me that i had one last night. it seemed so real. i guess i just got tired of my hair and cut it all of. like another bc. but this time i did it without a mirror and ended up with one side cut real low and the other side just cut a little, like to el.