Hair doesn't grow from blocked follicles?


New Member
I did do a search for this but couldn't find anything specifically relevan

Well, back in November I attended a seminar hosted by the founder of a hair procucts line. During the seminar he used a piece of equiptment to look closely at the scalps of some women in the audience. He was able to determine how much oil, dirt etc. was resting on the scalp and I think I remember him saying that because the follicles of a woman were blocked, her hair could not longer grow perhaps until she had a good wash.

Now, although this makes sense that if the follicles were clogged with build-up it would be a lot harder for new hair to emerge, I have noticed otherwise in practice. Back in the day, before I was enlightened I would only wash my hair when I took out my braids, which would be every 2-3 months :barf: but my hair would continue to grow.

Anyway, what do you ladies think about this? What have you noticed in your own experiences.
Well, I do have blocked follicles. I went to the dermatologist. I can guarentee you that "just a good wash" won't do it, if you have this issue. IMHO, they were just trying to get you to buy something. I have a rx for a foam called OLUX that will open up the follicle. You can see if the follicle is blocked w/out a microscope. With me, it was just in the frontal hairline area. I could see little bumps at the part of the hair where the root meets the scalp. I have been using the rx for almost a month. I do have braids in for the moment, so we will see what happens when I take out my hair. But again, don't fall for people trying to sell you something. If you think you may have this issue, spend the money and go to a dermatologist to have them tell you what the problem is. I mean, I thought I had alopecia, but it wasn't that at all, thank goodness. I just don't want anyone to be taken by a slick sales person, feeding off the fact that people don't know.