hair dilemma


New Member
hi pls can any of u gorgeous ladies help me. I have medium length hair which i havent relaxed for the past five months. I recently had a weave and took it out. My hair is just breaking like hell, if i put my hands in my hair, it just comes off. i am thinking of retouching my hair but i dont want it to break. what are ur suggestions pls. are there any products i can use to stop breakage and is it advisable to relax and what treatments can i do. sorry for the long question but ur suggestions will be greatly appreciated. cheers
May be a protein treatment followed by deep conditioner would help. Try Nexus Emergencee for a heavy protein. Did you use glue in weave?
Start taking a hair vit. or MSM for shedding. Condition wash and be very gentle with the hair when combing. Protective styles during this period.

I would relax the hair if it was me. I believe you may had stretched to long.
With my hair, 5 months w/o a relaxer is just asking for a breakage sentence.

The only way to stop it, for me, is to get braids or a weave, stop touching my hair at all, especially the new growth, get a blow-out, or relax.
toluwa said:
hi pls can any of u gorgeous ladies help me. I have medium length hair which i havent relaxed for the past five months. I recently had a weave and took it out. My hair is just breaking like hell, if i put my hands in my hair, it just comes off. i am thinking of retouching my hair but i dont want it to break. what are ur suggestions pls. are there any products i can use to stop breakage and is it advisable to relax and what treatments can i do. sorry for the long question but ur suggestions will be greatly appreciated. cheers

noooo! do not do a protein treatment just yet! After taking down the weave you really need to go into some heavy deep conditioning and moisturizing to restore the moisture balance to your hair. Stretching tends to make the hair need more moisture- and with the weave, you were probably not able to give your hair the moisture it needed at that critical time. So, your hair kinda becomes dehydrated and the low moisture content causes it to become fragile and break. Protein will not address this dryness issue. A protein treatment on your dehydrated hair right now will make it overrigid and lead to more breakage.

Please do not relax your hair in this condition. Never relax your hair to "solve" a problem like shedding or breakage. You need to correct the problem you are experiencing BEFORE you relax your hair with the proper treatments. :) (More moisture/conditioning if there is a dryness and breaking issue, and more protein if there is weak,stretchy hair issue). Relaxing already breaking hair will only set you up for even more breakage. It is also advisable to wait a few weeks anyway after you remove your weave before you relax. You want to give your hair a break.:D

Get out your deep moisturizing conditioners and deep condition your hair once, preferably twice a week until the breakage subsides. Use a gentle moisturizing shampoo and moisturizing (non-protein based) leave-in as well . Be sure to pamper your hair and moisturize thoroughly everyday. Your focus for now should be getting moisture into those strands! HTH.:D

eta: and try to wear your hair in low fuss/low maintenance protective styles (braidouts/buns). Your hair is in a fragile state, so less manipulation is the key for guarding against unnecessary breakage.
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Sistaslick said:
noooo! do not do a protein treatment just yet! After taking down the weave you really need to go into some heavy deep conditioning and moisturizing to restore the moisture balance to your hair. Stretching tends to make the hair need more moisture- and with the weave, you were probably not able to give your hair the moisture it needed at that critical time. So, your hair kinda becomes dehydrated and the low moisture content causes it to become fragile and break. Protein will not address this dryness issue. A protein treatment on your dehydrated hair right now will make it overrigid and lead to more breakage.

Please do not relax your hair in this condition. Never relax your hair to "solve" a problem like shedding or breakage. You need to correct the problem you are experiencing BEFORE you relax your hair with the proper treatments. :) (More moisture/conditioning if there is a dryness and breaking issue, and more protein if there is weak,stretchy hair issue). Relaxing already breaking hair will only set you up for even more breakage. It is also advisable to wait a few weeks anyway after you remove your weave before you relax. You want to give your hair a break.:D

Get out your deep moisturizing conditioners and deep condition your hair once, preferably twice a week until the breakage subsides. Use a gentle moisturizing shampoo and moisturizing (non-protein based) leave-in as well . Be sure to pamper your hair and moisturize thoroughly everyday. Your focus for now should be getting moisture into those strands! HTH.:D

eta: and try to wear your hair in low fuss/low maintenance protective styles (braidouts/buns). Your hair is in a fragile state, so less manipulation is the key for guarding against unnecessary breakage.

ITA! Whatever you do, don't get a relaxer! This will leave more damage! I would follow SISTA'S advice and start off with moisturizing treatments for a couple of weeks and then go for a hardcore protein. It's okay to stretch your hair for long periods of time as long as you know how to handle it after your out of your stretch, so far I've been stretching for 9 months! No breakage, no dryness! I think that you should also check out this site for info,, she has great tips on how to maintain your hair with braids/weaves/wigs.
Sistaslick said:
noooo! do not do a protein treatment just yet! After taking down the weave you really need to go into some heavy deep conditioning and moisturizing to restore the moisture balance to your hair. Stretching tends to make the hair need more moisture- and with the weave, you were probably not able to give your hair the moisture it needed at that critical time. So, your hair kinda becomes dehydrated and the low moisture content causes it to become fragile and break. Protein will not address this dryness issue. A protein treatment on your dehydrated hair right now will make it overrigid and lead to more breakage.

Please do not relax your hair in this condition. Never relax your hair to "solve" a problem like shedding or breakage. You need to correct the problem you are experiencing BEFORE you relax your hair with the proper treatments. :) (More moisture/conditioning if there is a dryness and breaking issue, and more protein if there is weak,stretchy hair issue). Relaxing already breaking hair will only set you up for even more breakage. It is also advisable to wait a few weeks anyway after you remove your weave before you relax. You want to give your hair a break.:D

Get out your deep moisturizing conditioners and deep condition your hair once, preferably twice a week until the breakage subsides. Use a gentle moisturizing shampoo and moisturizing (non-protein based) leave-in as well . Be sure to pamper your hair and moisturize thoroughly everyday. Your focus for now should be getting moisture into those strands! HTH.:D

eta: and try to wear your hair in low fuss/low maintenance protective styles (braidouts/buns). Your hair is in a fragile state, so less manipulation is the key for guarding against unnecessary breakage.

I third! I had breakage last year when I removed my braids....all it needed was some good moisture and deep conditioning. Take a good mult-vitamin and up your water intake. Do not relax!!! This will not solve your problem, but make it worse.