Hair Dilemma: Advice Please!


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies, so I'm transitioning. My hair is 7 months post right now, and I'm loving my natural texture. But the problem is that I'm getting married in about 15 months, and I would like my hair to be MBL. Right now, it is around BSL. :yep:

So my question is - did you transition for over 1 year? Did your hair start to break at the point where natural and relaxed strands meet? If so, when?

Because of the wedding, I'm thinking that it may be best to texlax until my wedding to make sure my hair is the length that I would like it to be. My hair on that day is most important to me, but then I really love my natural hair. What should I do?
If you're transitioning then why would you want to texlax?

Why not get it get it professionally pressed.

There is no way in hell i'd give up 7 months of transitioning like that...don't let all that hard work go down the drain.
If you don't want a weave and length is more important to you, then do whatever you need to do to have that length. You could just continue to transition and then straighten your hair on that day. There was a poster in the Waistlength Ladies-Names and Regimens thread (started by Flowerhair) that transitioned for 3.5 years. And her hair is beautiful, so it's possible.

If natural hair is more important to you, keep transitioning. You can just straighten that day (lol I already said that). By the time it comes around, you'll have 22months of growth so it's not like you'll have a TWA even if you BC.

Either way, it's your day. Do what makes you happy.
If you're transitioning then why would you want to texlax?

Why not get it get it professionally pressed.

There is no way in hell i'd give up 7 months of transitioning like that...don't let all that hard work go down the drain.

Well, I'm afraid that at some point that my hair will start to break and I will lose the length I really want for my wedding. If there was a guarantee that it won't then I will definitely keep transitioning.:yep: So I just want to see how everyone's transition went as far as breakage...

But yea, it's hard to let all the progress go...
If you don't want a weave and length is more important to you, then do whatever you need to do to have that length. You could just continue to transition and then straighten your hair on that day. There was a poster in the Waistlength Ladies-Names and Regimens thread (started by Flowerhair) that transitioned for 3.5 years. And her hair is beautiful, so it's possible.

If natural hair is more important to you, keep transitioning. You can just straighten that day (lol I already said that). By the time it comes around, you'll have 22months of growth so it's not like you'll have a TWA even if you BC.

Either way, it's your day. Do what makes you happy.

^^^This is a sweet post:yep:. Divya, I think you are just going to have to wait and see how it goes. At one year re-evaluate, and again at 18 months, and on. If length was the most important thing to me (for my wedding) and I started getting any breakage, I would relax in a heartbeat. You seem to know exactly how you want to look on that day and I think that is great. Best of luck to you.
How much heat are you putting on your hair now? If wearing your natural hair and maintaining length is equally important for your wedding day I would suggest refraining from heat and even sticking to protective styles until the big day to do everything you can to not damage your hair. I was about 6 months post when I experienced severe damage at my line of decremation and am pretty sure its the result of straightening my hair once a week and not keeping my hair as moisturized as possible. I stopped using any heat and wear my hair in twists everyday which has prevented additional breakage, even though I had to BC due to the breakage. If your not experiencing breakage yet, you may be one of the lucky ones that can transition without a major cut or BC so if I were you I would keep your hair extremely moisturized, wear protective styles and stay away from heat as much as possible.
If you don't want a weave and length is more important to you, then do whatever you need to do to have that length. You could just continue to transition and then straighten your hair on that day. There was a poster in the Waistlength Ladies-Names and Regimens thread (started by Flowerhair) that transitioned for 3.5 years. And her hair is beautiful, so it's possible.

If natural hair is more important to you, keep transitioning. You can just straighten that day (lol I already said that). By the time it comes around, you'll have 22months of growth so it's not like you'll have a TWA even if you BC.

Either way, it's your day. Do what makes you happy.

Thanks. I will definitely check out the Waistlength thread. 3.5 years is really a long time so that's really encouraging. In my mind, it has been a fight - wedding v. natural. Even though I knew that some people transition for awhile, I just wondered how full their hair looked and whether my hair would be able to make it that long. This definitely makes me feel more hopeful...thanks again!
I commend you on your 7 month transition, I love natural hair but can never get past the 2 month mark. My suggestion is that you find a great stylist who put in natural looking weaves. This way you are guaranteed the best of both worlds. You can have your transitioned hair braided up and wear the weave on your wedding day. Also with weaves you don't have to worry about sweating your hair out or the wind, your hair usually bounces right back. And you can get the weave to be MBL.

Then after your wedding you can continue with your transition without skipping a beat.
Yeah you might have to wait and see, because my hair didn't break, but I didn't like having half my hair one texture and the other half straight, so I BC'd, which will NOT be best for you since you want length. I advise just keeping it straight because it'll break off when the different textures meet, deep condition deep condition deep condition, and maybe keep it covered or protected until that big day. Then on that big day get a professional press. Or you could get a sew in or a lace front JUST for that day and take it out after your honey moon or after the day is over or whenever you want too......

I hope it all works out!
^^^This is a sweet post:yep:. Divya, I think you are just going to have to wait and see how it goes. At one year re-evaluate, and again at 18 months, and on. If length was the most important thing to me (for my wedding) and I started getting any breakage, I would relax in a heartbeat. You seem to know exactly how you want to look on that day and I think that is great. Best of luck to you.

Well, my hair has been doing great...up until my final exams. I totally fell off with my hair care about 2-3 weeks ago. So now there is some breakage, and I'm a little scared now. It's probably because of the bad hair care but what if it isn't? :wallbash: Maybe it will be best to play the waiting game for a little while longer and see how my hair does.

Girl, right now I have the look in my mind for that day...and how my veil should fit perfectly over my hair. :grin: So this is such a big deal.

Thanks for the advice.
How much heat are you putting on your hair now? If wearing your natural hair and maintaining length is equally important for your wedding day I would suggest refraining from heat and even sticking to protective styles until the big day to do everything you can to not damage your hair. I was about 6 months post when I experienced severe damage at my line of decremation and am pretty sure its the result of straightening my hair once a week and not keeping my hair as moisturized as possible. I stopped using any heat and wear my hair in twists everyday which has prevented additional breakage, even though I had to BC due to the breakage. If your not experiencing breakage yet, you may be one of the lucky ones that can transition without a major cut or BC so if I were you I would keep your hair extremely moisturized, wear protective styles and stay away from heat as much as possible.

Right now, I hardly ever put any heat on my hair. My hair has been straightened only twice since starting my transition. Protective styles have been my friend thus far. It just that after I fell off with my hair care a few weeks ago, I started getting breakage. So I'm not sure if it is only the bad hair care or if the transition also has something to do with it. But I will definitely take your advice and continue to stay away from heat. Guess time alone will tell. Thanks much!
I commend you on your 7 month transition, I love natural hair but can never get past the 2 month mark. My suggestion is that you find a great stylist who put in natural looking weaves. This way you are guaranteed the best of both worlds. You can have your transitioned hair braided up and wear the weave on your wedding day. Also with weaves you don't have to worry about sweating your hair out or the wind, your hair usually bounces right back. And you can get the weave to be MBL.

Then after your wedding you can continue with your transition without skipping a beat.

Awwww, thank you, and I'm sure one day you will pass the 2 month mark and go all the way. :yep: Maybe I should be more open minded and consider a weave. I've never had one before and never been into the idea...but this is my wedding and it's important to look how I want to look. There are some very natural looking weaves that might be perfect. Thanks!
Hi, I'm in Month 20 of my transition, I haven't experienced demarcation line breakage, my breakage all occurs at the ends.

If you haven't experienced any breakage at the line so far then I suggest that you just continue doing what you're doing because its working.

I know that transitioning while trying to increase length is very aggravating, because normally long term transitioning involves regular trimming and maintaining your current length, not increasing it. What is your hair type and how good are you with your own hair?
Do you have a friend, relative or stylist who you trust with your hair?
Are your current products working well for you?
Is proceeding to natural extremely important to you?
There are several questions to ask yourself before you make your decision.
Do what is best for you to achieve your ultimate goal. I'm here if you need to chat privately just shoot me a PM. And good luck with whatever you decide.

I'm sure you will be a beautiful bride no matter what you choose.