Kei said:
I have just made one year without a relaxer and I have hit a rutt. My hair takes alot of work. I am not sure of my hair type. I have been going back and forward on if I want a texturizer or not. I don't know if I would get the results I want. Any thoughts ?
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Kei, please give yourself more time before throwing in the towel...i thought my hair would be the best it was going to get at one year, then two, then three etc. when in actuality it was steadily getting better each year...one year isnt long enough to say you have hit a wall, although you might feel that way....just give it a little time ,try some new things and you will get over the hump when you see the health of your hair get better and better. dont do ANYTHING unless you are totally sure its what you wanna do...i relaxed again after ten months or so of being natural and had to start all over from scratch again.....cause once again it became clear (after the usual breakage again) that it was again a mistake to relax my hair. just dont act, unless you are sure, but i say give it more time