Hair Cut -WET Or DRY


Well-Known Member
hey, so I just got my hair blunt cut about 4 inches(I know I'm crazy)
The stylist cut it after it was dry. I have never had this happen ever. I don't think I'm really feeling it because it seems like the ends are so thick now, it almost looks like a
has anyone had their hair cut dry??
Is that common?
Dry! Always! So you know exactly how much you are cutting. Wet hair looks longer than it actually is which means you could cut more than you intend to /images/graemlins/smile.gif
My stylist always trims my hair when it is dry, because I request it that way. She said there's no difference between cutting it wet and dry.. so I opt for dry so she can see exactly how much she takes off and doesnt end up taking off too much. She usually flat irons the ends (CHI) and then trims.
I always get my hair cut dry, so I'm not sure about it feeling thicker. But, for the ladies that get theirs cut wet, isn't it easier to wind up with shorter hair since hair is curlier when it's wet?
after so many years of wet cutting, a stylist cut my hair dry... i've been dry cutting ever since. you can see exactly what you are getting (or losing, depending how you look at it /images/graemlins/laugh.gif ) when ur hair is dry as opposed to wet. Also, when hair is wet, it is longer due to hair's elasticity.
I got my first trim in ~9 months on Saturday. My hair was dry and rollerset/blown out as straight as possible.
Definitely, cutting dry is the way to go. When I got my first blunt cut, I felt the same way. The ends were TOO THICK! I loved it though, b/c it was even all around in a shoulder length bob. You lose a lot of hair doing it that way, but the thickness of it more than compensates IMO.

I'll bet it's beautiful! Post pix soon /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Megon- I looked at your album- you're hair looks AWESOME!
I had always gotten my hair trimmed dry until my roommate suggested that I try cutting it wet. She noticed that she had far less split ends when she had wet cuts and to be sure they didn't get SH, she showed them how much to cut. So my last trim was wet and I'm pretty sure I'll keep it that way.
I get true trims with wet hair, but I get dustings on dry hair. I am trying to limit the number of true trims to once or twice a year, until I reach my first goal.
I work in a salon (not as a stylist) but there they charge $68 to $85 for a haircut and the always cut hair wet.
You know I never knew that people got the hair cut wet until i would see white people on Tv getting their hair cut. I just assumed that everyone got their hair cut dry. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif