Hair cut (from waist length to bra-strap length)


Well-Known Member
Note: Ok, so I accidentally posted this in the Off Topic forum first (thought I was in the hair forum). So this is a duplicate thread. But I thought I'd go ahead and post it in the correct location.

I straightened my hair the other day and my ends looked horrible. So I decided to get a hair cut. I originally just wanted the ends trimmed but when I sat down in the chair some craziness overcame me and I ok'ed an additional hair cut and some layers.

So that is how I went from waist length to bra-strap length in less than 20 minutes. :spinning: I actually really like my cut and think I maintained an okay amount of length. But I think I get emotional about hair cuts and still feel a strange urge to cry. :ohwell:

I think my hair will look much better whenever I want to flat iron it. And because of how much shrinkage I have I'm sure I won't really be able to tell when I wear my hair curly (or so I tell myself). We'll see when I wash my hair tomorrow.

But WL is the longest my hair had ever been and I am feeling weirdly sentimental now that I'm not that length anymore. Is that crazy? I don't know. But I knew that LHCF would understand. I think I need a hug. :needhug:



I've been a DYI'er for the past few years with everything except cutting my own hair. But I think this recent cut (though I don't technically regret it) will be the impetus for me to learn to trim and maintain my own ends (instead of letting them get to be raggedy like they were).

And I will definitely be more vigilant about maintaining my ends. No good to make it to WL but can't wear my hair straight and enjoy it because my ends look super bad.


My friend flat ironed my hair for me so that I could feel better about my hair cut. And I do. I'll probably even wear my hair straight much more often for the next few months (while still keeping my hair healthy) to take advantage of my fresh ends.


I posted a few more pics on my fotki.
I know it can be hard after getting a cut :(
But if it's any consolation I think your hair is gorgeous and really thick from root to tips :)
Thanks everyone. I really, really appreciate all the kind words. :)

I don't regret the cut, but it was very different to see all the length gone. I think I had a mini panic moment and had to talk myself through the "aftermath" of the cut. And I'm sure I will be back at my previous length in no time.

But this time around I'll be much better about caring for my ends and doing regular trims myself. So that I won't have to put myself through this again.
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:shocked::thud:(picks up jaw from the floor) Your hair is beautiful! I can't tell what it looked like that well in the before, but it does look thicker and healthy in the post pics, and your friend did a great job, (that's the kind of hair I want like yesterday). I understand missing your length, but like others have said, it'll grow mback full and thick root to tip before you know it. Congrats.
Your friend did a beautiful job flatironing your hair, wish I had a friend like that. Your hair looks gorgeous SEMO.
Looks beautiful.:clapping:

When did you last cut it?
(before this recent cut that is..)

Umm 2007. :look: :blush:

It took less time to adjust to the cut b/c my hair was shorter then. Below are the before and afters from that cut.



:shocked::thud:(picks up jaw from the floor) Your hair is beautiful! I can't tell what it looked like that well in the before, but it does look thicker and healthy in the post pics, and your friend did a great job, (that's the kind of hair I want like yesterday). I understand missing your length, but like others have said, it'll grow mback full and thick root to tip before you know it. Congrats.

Awww, thank you!!

You ladies make me feel much better about my cut. I worried for awhile that I was going to go into a crying fit (either that or a screaming fit :look:).
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your hair looks good.... i could never cut my hair, when i get to HL im shooting for tailbone, and then beyond, i cant ever cut it, its part of who i am now, the "black girl with the long hair and big breast" is who i ammmmmmm:spinning:
Your hair looks sooo healthy in that last pic, it makes the new shorter length seem much longer because it is so healthy and thick from root to tip.
I think the cut was a good idea simply because your hair looks so good, length is good...but health is better :)
Your friend did a wonderful job pressing your hair and you'll be back at WL in no time!!! Either way you are still one of my hair idols!!
Wow Semo, I've always loved your hair.
In the two pics with the bathrobe, it looked like a major difference.
But now that your friend flat ironed it for you, it doesn't look like a lot of length was lost.
Your hair looks so healthy and thick and appears longer than the bathrobe after pic.
Hope my rambling is making sense.
Love your hair.
I always get emotional after a haircut so I understand
Wow you cut like 8 inches or so huh? I gasped! Your hair looks beautiful.
Thank you SO, SO much everyone. You have no idea what your support and kind words mean to me. I knew my LHCF fam would understand and help me feel better. :yep: :theteam:

Your hair looks sooo healthy in that last pic, it makes the new shorter length seem much longer because it is so healthy and thick from root to tip.
I think the cut was a good idea simply because your hair looks so good, length is good...but health is better :)

Thanks. Yeah it didn't seem so bad after my friend (who I love for helping me in my hour of distress) fixed it up. I am hoping to keep it this way. I couldn't really enjoy my hair as much before b/c the ends kept me from wearing it straight (lot of single strand knots too).

Your friend did a wonderful job pressing your hair and you'll be back at WL in no time!!! Either way you are still one of my hair idols!!

Thank you!!! :hug2:

Wow Semo, I've always loved your hair.
In the two pics with the bathrobe, it looked like a major difference.
But now that your friend flat ironed it for you, it doesn't look like a lot of length was lost.
Your hair looks so healthy and thick and appears longer than the bathrobe after pic.
Hope my rambling is making sense.
Love your hair.

I understand what you mean and felt the same way. I think it's because my hair is just blow dried in the first pic (and had been rained on so it started to shrink up some).

That first pic was from December 2009 and I think I had gained an inch or two from when that photo was taken. So the after was still about 6 inches from where I am now. But the ends look so much better that it's helping me cope.

And I'm sure that once I start wearing my hair curly again I won't miss the length nearly as much (shrinkage works that way--my hair has been shoulder length curly for years).