Hair Crush's Hair Journey vs. My Own.


Well-Known Member
I felt like I was just punched in the gut. I swear I am more motivated now than I have ever been to be diligent with my regimine. I remember seeing the pics on YouTube when HairCrush did her BC. That was around the time that I realized that I got my last relaxer around the same time that she got hers, I just did my BC about 3-4 months after I got my last relaxer, I never really transitioned like she did. This woman has hair down to her friggin arse and here I am stuch at SL/APL after 50-11 setbacks from bleach, color, shedding from Birth Control and bad sew-ins. I used to be able to wear my hair out and I basically only did wash and gos and I just braided my hair when I got sick of doing my hair but now it's more of a necessity. I have been doing the necessary things to promote not only hair growth but hair health but I feel like it's too little too late. My job requires me to always pull my hair back in a ponytail and it cannot be out if it touches my collar (I'm a Federal Police Officer). I just installed braids in my hair, I was planning on doing the Crown and Glory method for hair growth and retention for one year but I have to make up for lost time and I think I will extend it into next year as well. I am pissed with myself because throughout all of those bad decisions and setbacks, had I just stayed the course with my protective styling, I would be much further along than I am now and I cannot be upset at anyone other than myself. I really am just ranting to those who just may understand my frustration.... I guess I'll have to use it as fuel for my fire. DAMN IT THOUGH!!! lol

Her YT for those who don't know and who'dcare to see who I am talking about...prepare to drool.
Hang in there, sis. You'll get your hair to where you want it. You know better, you do better.
stop comparing and just be consistent with whatever works..... sometimes what we encounter along the way not the destination point that is the most important in shaping us overall. i have had numerous setbacks but now i know what i know and can make it hapen to get my hair where it needs to be :)
Lol, you comparing yourself to haircrush, that girls scalp is superhuman, lol. Don't set yourself up for disappointment, plus, sounds like your career might be very demanding as well. Stay positive!
I hear your frustration. It is cool to rant sometimes. Sometimes you just need to let off some steam. It's a new year and you get a fresh start. You now know what to do and what not to do.

Even though you have to wear you hair up, there are plenty of ladies that get to their length goals bunning or with up styles. So I am sure you will find something that works for your needs.
Dont compare yourself to anyone else. Someone here has a siggy that says comparison is an act of self violence. I love that. You learned during your journey. You experimented. You had fun. It's hair. Its not going anywhere. Pick yourself up and keep going mama
I feel u girl. Hang in there.

My sis started her hair journey two years after me with a fro. I started at shoulder length. She had no setbacks and just cut from waist length to mid back. I am barely BSL.

I FEEL U! Huggsssssssss ;)
I stopped comparing myself to others. Everyone's hair is different. Back in the day Southernbella was the same length as me, she ran past me long ago. Her strands are also probably double the thickness of mine. Oh well.
Lol, you comparing yourself to haircrush, that girls scalp is superhuman, lol. Don't set yourself up for disappointment, plus, sounds like your career might be very demanding as well. Stay positive!

Well I definitely don't consider her superhuman by any means..... Lol. I was just shocked because her and I had basically the same starting point and growth rate/retention for a while then I bleached the front of my hair... I recovered from the damage then came the BKT... Recovered from that and then came the birth control.... I am JUST recovering from that and that was over 2 years ago.... Smh. I'm just amazed to see how we had the dame starting point but her hair is at the state that it is and I am basically at square one. It's frustrating but like I said it's fuel for my fire. Whenever I feel like doing something stupid to my hair I'm jut going to remind myself that had I not done all that other stupid stuff then I would have hair down my back and I'm sure it will eliminate my desire to do whatever stupid thing that I want to do at that time.... Lol
stop comparing and just be consistent with whatever works..... sometimes what we encounter along the way not the destination point that is the most important in shaping us overall. i have had numerous setbacks but now i know what i know and can make it hapen to get my hair where it needs to be :)

Preach! Thanks for the encouragement..
Some may disagree, but I think there's a difference between a woman who always had long hair (like Chime. You can see in the video she had wsl hair in high school) and someone who never has before, but is trying to grow it now. The always-long-haired most likely had an adult in their lives who taught them how to care for their hair. They already know how to moisturize it and give it protein and all of that (even if they didn't realize before that that's what they were doing). They don't have to go through the months of experimenting and trying out a million different techniques.

When I see an always long haired natural, I admire their length, but I never ever compare myself, because their struggle is so much different from mine.
I understand! I'm newly natural and keep telling myself, your hair may not be the same texture as MahoganyCurls or HairCrush. I have to be content with whatever God gave me growing out of my scalp. Some things I have sworn off that damaged my hair when it was relaxed:

Protein Overload

I did not BC to destroy my hair with my own hands and I am not BC'ng again in this lifetime. I have one time to get it right. This is my thinking.
Some may disagree, but I think there's a difference between a woman who always had long hair (like Chime. You can see in the video she had wsl hair in high school) and someone who never has before, but is trying to grow it now. The always-long-haired most likely had an adult in their lives who taught them how to care for their hair. They already know how to moisturize it and give it protein and all of that (even if they didn't realize before that that's what they were doing). They don't have to go through the months of experimenting and trying out a million different techniques.

When I see an always long haired natural, I admire their length, but I never ever compare myself, because their struggle is so much different from mine.

I completely agree that there is a difference, I am not comparing my growth rate or texture, I prefer my texture, honestly wouldn't trade my curl pattern for anything, I love's just seing her progress in regards to retaining her growth in relation to my own really sheds an unflattering light on the damage that I have done to my own hair whether intentional (bleach, color, BKT) or unintentional (birth control, stress, pulling it back for work). My growth rate has never been a real issue for me, of course I want it to grow faster, who doesn't? I have had more of an issue with retention, than shedding which made me look bald because I have fine strands and low-medium density. Oh well, I fully intend on documenting my hair journey and I will most likely start making videos at some point, I am just too busy to do anything other than take a quick picture of my growth ever so often. When she measured her hair for the first time in 2 years, she was actually a little less than what the expected growth rate of 6" per year is so it really is healthy hair practices and retention.
I completely agree that there is a difference, I am not comparing my growth rate or texture, I prefer my texture, honestly wouldn't trade my curl pattern for anything, I love's just seing her progress in regards to retaining her growth in relation to my own really sheds an unflattering light on the damage that I have done to my own hair whether intentional (bleach, color, BKT) or unintentional (birth control, stress, pulling it back for work). My growth rate has never been a real issue for me, of course I want it to grow faster, who doesn't? I have had more of an issue with retention, than shedding which made me look bald because I have fine strands and low-medium density. Oh well, I fully intend on documenting my hair journey and I will most likely start making videos at some point, I am just too busy to do anything other than take a quick picture of my growth ever so often. When she measured her hair for the first time in 2 years, she was actually a little less than what the expected growth rate of 6" per year is so it really is healthy hair practices and retention.

Absolutely :grin:. And I wasn't trying to single you out as someone who compares too much. But I see over and over again women who look at that 6 inches a year average figure and seem to automatically say 'great, I'll be hip length in four years'. Some make it and some don't, but nobody should be beating themselves up if they aren't retaining (or growing in the first place) those six inches. We have to learn to care for our hair, and that often times means we're going to have setbacks and lots of experiments. The length will come eventually.
I know what you mean. I had to stop watching HairCrush, Quest for The Perfect Curl, Naptural85, Taren, and just about everyone who's hair seem to be bullet proof and grow 2" per month - I don't even get 1/2".

In all seriousness, there is ton of support here for those of us who are a bit more challenged in the growth and retention department. Also comparing ourselves to others is not going to do us any good.
Dont compare yourself to anyone else. Someone here has a siggy that says comparison is an act of self violence. I love that. You learned during your journey. You experimented. You had fun. It's hair. Its not going anywhere. Pick yourself up and keep going mama

Yesss, I love that siggy... TopShelf has it, it's from Iyanla Vanzant.
I know what you mean. I had to stop watching HairCrush, Quest for The Perfect Curl, Naptural85, Taren, and just about everyone who's hair seem to be bullet proof and grow 2" per month - I don't even get 1/2".

In all seriousness, there is ton of support here for those of us who are a bit more challenged in the growth and retention department. Also comparing ourselves to others is not going to do us any good.
and that's your hair in your siggy? Damn girl!! I love it. :lol:
Some peoples hair retain length better than others. QuestForThePerfectCurl has said her hair grows the normal 1/4-1/2 inch a month but, she retains all of it.

She is very consistent with her regimen, the makes sure she moisturizes and seals. She also doesn't do a lot of manipulation. Neither does Naptural85.

Naps hair will stay in a old twist out for weeks!
Some peoples hair retain length better than others. QuestForThePerfectCurl has said her hair grows the normal 1/4-1/2 inch a month but, she retains all of it. She is very consistent with her regimen, the makes sure she moisturizes and seals. She also doesn't do a lot of manipulation. Neither does Naptural85. Naps hair will stay in a old twist out for weeks!

Not true about Elle (quest). I remember one of her earlier videos where she mentioned being hard on herself and getting disappointed if she didn't get an inch of growth a month. If I remember correctly, she gets between half to three-quarters of an inch regularly. I used to watch a lot of her videos when I first went natural and she used to do her hair daily or every other day playing with products. I think now she is down to weekly.

I believe Nap85 washes and stretches with curlformers weekly or biweekly. Watch the video where she washed and detangled with TJTTT.
The one thing about HairCrush's journey that I have really taken to heart is her consistent and patient attitude towards the whole thing.
I know she was bored at times with always doing the same styles, but she knew she had a goal and stuck with it until she got there.

Too often, I think people get fixated on wanting to "enjoy" their hair or trying to hurry the process along with all kinds of products and pills and creams and techniques and whatever else. The best thing you can do, (and this has made transitioning a breeze for me), is to pick a simple reggie, master it, and then find other things to occupy your time besides your hair.
It goes against the nature of this board, but truly, the less you obsess and experiment, the better your hair will grow. :yep:
The one thing about HairCrush's journey that I have really taken to heart is her consistent and patient attitude towards the whole thing.
I know she was bored at times with always doing the same styles, but she knew she had a goal and stuck with it until she got there.

Too often, I think people get fixated on wanting to "enjoy" their hair or trying to hurry the process along with all kinds of products and pills and creams and techniques and whatever else. The best thing you can do, (and this has made transitioning a breeze for me), is to pick a simple reggie, master it, and then find other things to occupy your time besides your hair.
It goes against the nature of this board, but truly, the less you obsess and experiment, the better your hair will grow. :yep:

She shaved her hair on one side and it grow back within a year. :lol:

I will tell you I wear nothing but buns, only used heat from a dryer once in 13 years (and it wasn't even that hot), never do any styles, no twists, braids, rollers, weaves, wigs, and still don't have the same results many have.