Hair Creams Could be Linked to Cancer


Well-Known Member
I know that we have discussed parabens on here so I thought that I would share this article that ran on our local news station. I'm planning to purchase Dr Davis book. Just thought that I would share.

NATIONAL (WIS) - One of our viewers sent us an e-mail that she received about a possible link between black hair products and cancer. She wanted WIS News 10 to investigate.
After getting on the phone and the internet to research Michelle's e-mail, WIS News 10's Judi Gatson found out about a small case study involving four black baby girls. Each one had breast growth, some as early as one-year-old.
After reading about that, she tracked down the doctor leading new research and asked her what they learned from that study.
"They were all using creams on their scalps and those creams contain placenta - or estrogen - and when the mothers stopped using the creams, the breasts went away from the baby girls," says Dr. Devra Davis.
Dr. Davis is the author of the new book "The Secret History on the War on Cancer" and Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute.
She says that small study is not proof of a link - but has helped to form a medical hypothesis, "That early life exposure to hormone-containing products may be one of the reasons why there's a greater amount of breast cancer in young African-American women."
"Now, it's not going to explain everything, but it is an important thing for us to understand."
But, she says, "Right now I can't tell you which products contain hormones and which ones don't."
That's "because the FDA does not require labeling," she says.
"Hair creams and products we put on our bodies and our scalp are not really regulated by the FDA."
"There are contaminants that can be found in children's bubble bath and shampoos - white, black or pink - it doesn't matter what color the child may be - that are banned in Europe, and yet we allow them in the US today. And in my new book I talk about that as an example of something that makes no sense."
Dr. Davis says there's no need to panic and throw out all of your personal care products.
Instead, she says, use less, read labels and vote with your pocketbook by buying cosmetics and cleaning products that have fewer toxic chemicals.
Dr. Davis' book, "The Secret History of the War on Cancer," has been named one of the top six science books of the year by the Washington Post.
Reported by Judi Gatson

thats why i threw out that placenta shampoo after 3 washes. unfortunately my maid took it out of the trash can while i was sleeping. i wasnt mad she took it, i just wish I coulda told her why I threw it away but shed gone home... plus it woulda been awkward.. :(

i already have issues with y boobs as it is, with their shrinking (are they serious? :blush:) from a D to a B in like 4 years... now i have to worry about whether or not perms and shampoos ive used are gonna give me cancer there?...

people do terrible things to make money... im checking ingredients... even though parabens havent scared me off yet
My sister mentioned this article to me the other day. It is quite scary and could be true about the hormones in hair products affecting our bodies. Wow!